Abstract The GXL (GeoImaging Accelerator) is a new generation of distributed processing platform for remote sensing data. It is fast, efficient, and flexible and plays an important role in the processing of domestic satellite data. This study investigated the software development kit (SDK) of GXL from the aspects of view, controller, and model based on the MVC (Model View Controller) framework of GXL. Furthermore, it developed a new algorithm processing module and employed distributed program deployment to enhance the function and algorithms of satellite data processing. An experiment was carried out to process domestic satellite (GF-1, GF-2, and ZY1-02C) data. The experiment results show that the SDK of GXL allows for flexibly expanding the processes for satellite data processing and improving the productivity of domestic satellite products. Therefore, the SDK of GXL can better satisfy the demands of various industries.
domestic satellite
algorithm module
processing flow
optimization efficiency
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: dave6806@163.com;zhangtaosas@qq.com
Issue Date: 20 June 2022
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