Platform of online interpretation and attitude measurement for faults using high resolution remote sensing image |
GUO Qiqian1, LI Shengle2, LIU Zhumei2 |
1. Second Crust Monitering and Application Center, China Earthquake Administration, Xi'an 710054, China;
2. Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, Wuhan 430071, China |
Abstract To solve the problems of online interpretation and attitude measurement for faults in the application of high resolution remote sensing, the authors developed a platform of online interpretation and attitude measurement for faults by using high resolution remote sensing image and application programmers interface provided by Web Map Service. The platform allows users to analyze the geological structure as well as identify and vectorize the fault. On this platform, vector data are saved as extensible markup language(XML)and can be transformed into typical GIS data formats, and existing GIS data are allowed to be viewed and calibrated after format conversion. Imbedding of Google Earth, through Google Earth Plug-in, enables users to calculate the fault attitude using the DEM on this platform. Multi-point method is adopted to improve calculation accuracy. The results show that the method of interpretation and attitude measurement for faults based on Web Map Service, which takes advantage of fault interpretation using high resolution remote sensing image and breaks through the data source limitation of remote sensing image and DEM data, can accurately extracts geographic information and attitude of geological structure,and the platform possesses data sharing and application portability.
UAV titled images
free network adjustment
corresponding points forecast
Issue Date: 27 November 2015
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