Abstract Population spatial distribution information is the basic information in the study of geography, resources, sociology and other disciplines, and hence is of great significance in practical applications such as urban planning and emergency rescue. The population distribution can be well simulated by using the auxiliary data of physical geography and social economy data. Nighttime light data reflect the distribution of population comprehensively. Compared with traditional remote sensing data, it has the advantages of convenient data acquisition, small data volume, wide coverage and fast data update. With the development of DMSP-OLS, NPP-VIIRS and other platforms, the study of population spatial distribution based on continuous archiving nighttime light data has attracted the attention of scholars, and a rich research result has been formed at regional-scale population estimates and grid-scale simulations of population distribution. Nevertheless, there are also problems in data correction, data fusion, scale selection and precision verification. Therefore, with the expectation of providing references for other researchers, this paper elaborates the nighttime light data characteristics and access platforms, summarizes the methods and models of population spatial distribution based on night lighting data, and analyzes the problems and solutions in the research. Finally, the important development directions in the future are discussed.
nighttime light data
population distribution
data correction
grid scale
accuracy verification
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: yangsurvey@126.com
Issue Date: 30 August 2019
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