Technology and Methodology |
Method for extraction of building height information based on ZY-3 image |
ZHAO Zhiming1,2, ZHOU Xiaocheng1,2, FU Qiankun1,2, WANG Xiaoqin1,2 |
1. Spatial Information Research Center of Fujian Province, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Spatial Date Mining and Information Sharing of Ministry of Education, Fuzhou 350002, China |
Abstract The extraction of the information of building height from the high-resolution remote sensing image is a hot research topic in the study of the information extraction. This paper proposes a set of building height inversion techniques in combination with the object-oriented classification method. First of all, through the object-oriented classification method, the building outline and shadow information are extracted by using morphological building and shadow indices; and then, the intersection line average method is employed to calculate the length of the shadow; finally, the height of building is calculated according to the geometric relation model between the shadow length and the building height. The proposed method was validated on domestic ZY-3 satellite remote sensing data of Xi'an City, and the overall accuracy of 91.23% was obtained by verifying the result using the actual measuring height of 171 buildings. The results achieved by the authors have a certain practical significance for the study of building height information extraction.
dimidiate pixel model
northern China
fractional vegetation cover
spatial-temporal change characteristics
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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