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REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES    2012, Vol. 24 Issue (1) : 70-76     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.01.13
Technology Application |
Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Fractional Vegetation Cover in the Water Source Area of the Middle Route of Projects to Divert Water from the South to the North
ZHOU Zhi-qiang1,2, ZENG Yuan1, ZHANG Lei1, DU Xin1, WU Bing-fang1
1. Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
2. Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China
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Abstract  The middle route of the projects to divert water from the south to the north is a part of the large-scale inter-basin water transfer projects in China. It is important to carry out the study and analysis of changes of regional fractional vegetation cover for the protection of ecological environment and water quality. In this paper, based on the data of the remote sensing images obtained in 2000 and 2009, the authors estimated fractional vegetation cover of the water source area by using the method of dimidiate pixel model from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the fractional vegetation cover. The main conclusions are as follows: The average fractional vegetation cover in the water source area was 67.5% in 2000, and reached 72% in 2009, with the average fractional vegetation cover being increased in the whole area. The spatial characteristics of increased fractional vegetation cover show that the increase in central region is relatively higher than that in the eastern and western regions; in different kinds of vegetation types, the deciduous conifer forest shows the largest average increase of the fractional vegetation cover, while the grassland shows the smallest increase; fractional vegetation cover has increased in different degrees in most towns of the water source area in the past 10 years, with the increase in Zhashui County being most apparent. This is attributed to the Chinese Government’s policies such as quitting cultivation and returning to forest, closing hillside to facilitate afforestation and farmland construction.
Keywords remote sensing      land surface evapotranspiration(ET)      energy balance      ET model     
:  TP 79  
  X 835  
Issue Date: 07 March 2012
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WANG Wan-tong
ZHAO Qing-liang
DU Jia
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WANG Wan-tong,ZHAO Qing-liang,DU Jia. Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Fractional Vegetation Cover in the Water Source Area of the Middle Route of Projects to Divert Water from the South to the North[J]. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES, 2012, 24(1): 70-76.
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