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REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES    2015, Vol. 27 Issue (4) : 79-84     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2015.04.13
Technology and Methodology |
Applicability of the water information extraction method based on GF-1 image
DUAN Qiuya1, MENG Lingkui1, FAN Zhiwei1, HU Weiguo1, XIE Wenjun2
1. School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China;
2. Water Information Center, the Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100053, China
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In this paper, the authors conducted an applicability study of water-based information extraction method according to the data features of GF-1 image. Firstly, water index(normalized difference water index, NDWI)threshold method, support vector machine (SVM)method and object-oriented method were used respectively to conduct water information extraction experiments on the Poyang Lake area based on GF-1 image so as to analyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. Secondly, statistic analysis of the rate of leakage and error as well as extraction accuracy was made by selecting two representative areas with different scales and complexities, with the manual interpretation of these two water areas as reference. The results show that the above three kinds of methods all have a high accuracy in both areas, with the extraction accuracy of the simple area (area 1) slightly higher than that of the complex area (area 2); A comparative study of these three methods shows that SVM method has the highest accuracy (99.474 2%, 98.099 3%), followed by the object-oriented method (99.316 4%, 97.877 9%), and then by NDWI threshold method(99.145 6%, 97.590 0%).

Keywords ZY-1 02C satellite      Tajikistan      interpretation marks      remote sensing geological interpretation     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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LI Zongren
MA Shibin
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ZHANG Kun,LI Zongren,MA Shibin. Applicability of the water information extraction method based on GF-1 image[J]. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES, 2015, 27(4): 79-84.
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