Orginal Article |
Application of GF-2 satellite data to mine geological environment investigation in Daye, Hubei Province |
Ma Xiuqiang1, 2, Peng Ling2, Xu Suning1, 2, Ding Zhilei1, 2 |
1. School of Ocean Sciences, China University of Geosciences in Beijing, Beijing 100085, China; 2. Chinese Institute for Geo-environmental Monitoring, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract The land resources and ecological environment destruction caused by mining activities can be monitored and analyzed by remote sensing technology, and it is of great practical significance to protect the ecological environment of the mining area and establish a scientific evaluation reference system. With Daye in Hubei Province as the study area and by employing of the GF-2 satellite data, the authors enhanced the information of polluted water and vegetation, then qualitatively analyzed the pollution level of water using band operation and density division method based on the analysis of spectral features and spatial features of surface features. Land use was analyzed by maximum likelihood method to monitor mine development status and mine environment change in important ore concentration areas. The authors investigated and analyzed the application of GF-2 satellite data to mining geological environment investigation in Daye area, and the result obtained can provide reference for the reasonable protection of the mining area ecological environment and the application of the domestic high resolution satellite data in geological survey.
GF-1 satellite
ore-controlling geological unit
remote-sensing interpretation
application in ore prospecting
Suolake area
Issue Date: 24 November 2017
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