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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2018, Vol. 30 Issue (2) : 162-170     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.22
Remote sensing interpretation of important ore-controlling geological units in Hongshan Region of Gansu Province using GF-1 image and its application
Ruijun WANG1(), Bokun YAN2, Mingsong LI1, Shuangfa DONG1, Yongbin SUN1, Bing WANG1
1. Airborne Survey and Remote Sensing Center of Nuclear Industry, Shijiazhuang 050002, China
2. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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For the purpose of understanding the performance of the high resolution satellite image in the geological prospecting field and finding out the metallogenic geological environment of Hongshan Region in Gansu Province, the authors interpreted the ore-controlling strata, structures and rock masses in Hongshan Region by using the Gaofen-1 satellite(GF-1)remote sensing images. On the basis of reviewing and summarizing the results of previous studies and field verification, the geological characteristics and metallogenic regularity of Hongshan Region were analyzed comprehensively, the geological bodies closely related to the polymetallic deposit were summarized, and the GF-1 image interpretation keys of the important ore-controlling strata, ore controlling structure and ore rock were established. Based on the analysis of metallogenic geological characteristics and metallogenic regularity of the important ore-controlling geological units, the authors analyzed and excavated the characteristics of the ore-controlling geological factors of typical ore deposits, integrated the geological environment of the typical ore deposits and ore-controlling information; the multi-source anomaly characteristics of the typical polymetallic deposit were comprehensively analyzed, and the ore-prospecting model was established. The remote sensing prospecting was carried out, and the favorable areas for prospecting were delineated. Copper, molybdenum, iron, zinc and other metal mineralization clues were newly discovered through the field investigation, which are located in the important ore- controlling geological units according to the GF-1 image interpretation, and the better results of prospecting were achieved. The results show that the domestic satellite data can obtain good application results in the field of geological mineral exploration.

Keywords Gaofen-1 satellite(GF-1)      important ore-controlling geological unit      remote sensing interpretation      ore prospecting application      Hongshan Region     
:  TP79P623.2  
Issue Date: 30 May 2018
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Ruijun WANG
Bokun YAN
Mingsong LI
Shuangfa DONG
Yongbin SUN
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Ruijun WANG,Bokun YAN,Mingsong LI, et al. Remote sensing interpretation of important ore-controlling geological units in Hongshan Region of Gansu Province using GF-1 image and its application[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2018, 30(2): 162-170.
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Fig.1  GF-1 orthophoto map of Hongshan Region
Fig.2  GF-1 image characteristics of Dahuoluo Mountain Group in Qingbaikou System(Qbd)
Fig.3  GF-1 image characteristics of Zerumu Group in Sinian System(Z1-2z)
Fig.4  GF-1 image characteristics of Xishuangying Mountain Group in Cambrian System(∈2-3x)
Fig.5  GF-1 image characteristics of Silurian igneous rocks
Fig.6  GF-1 image characteristics of fold structure
Fig.7  GF-1 image characteristics of fault structures
验证重要控矿地质单元 验证点/个 正确点/个 误判点/个 正确率/% 误判率/%
控矿地层 青白口系大豁落山群 31 26 5 83.87 16.13
震旦系泽鲁木群 18 15 3 83.33 16.67
寒武系西双鹰山群 22 18 4 81.82 18.18
控矿岩体 志留纪基性—超基性岩 15 15 0 100.00 0.00
志留纪辉长—辉绿岩 16 16 0 100.00 0.00
其他岩脉 8 7 1 87.50 12.50
控矿构造 罗雅楚山背斜 26 24 2 92.31 7.69
砂井子东背斜 20 18 2 90.00 10.00
断裂 11 10 1 90.91 9.09
总计 167 149 18 89.22 10.78
Tab.1  Field verification results of important ore -controlling geological units
模型结构 矿床模型 红山模型 黑山模型 大红山模型 七一模型 黑石尖模型
矿种类型 铁矿 铜镍矿 锰矿 磷钒铀矿 多金属矿
成因类型 沉积—变质型 岩浆熔离型 沉积—改造型 沉积—变质型 热液型
构造部位 NW向背斜构造 区域性近EW向断裂 近EW向断裂 NW向背斜构造 区域性NWW向—
赋矿部位 罗雅楚山背斜和
罗雅楚山背斜南翼 罗雅楚山背斜 NEE向断裂
控矿地质单元 青白口系大豁落山群 志留纪基性—
震旦系泽鲁木群 寒武系西双鹰山群 NEE向断裂
赋矿层位 青白口系大豁落山群 志留纪基性—
震旦系泽鲁木群 寒武系西双鹰山群 NEE向断裂带
含矿地段 背斜轴部转折端部位 杂岩体及接触带 背斜南翼 背斜南翼 NEE向及次级断裂带
矿体围岩 顶板为石榴黑云石英片岩,
杂色细碎屑夹碳酸盐岩 黑色炭质页岩—
Tab.2  Prospecting models for typical ore deposits in Hongshan Area
Fig.8  Distribution map of favorable areas for remote sensing prospecting in Hongshan Area
Fig.9  Field photo of copper and molybdenum mineralization clue area
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