Automatic numbering and method improvement of mine patches based on ArcPy and custom ArcToolbox |
CHEN Dong( ), YAO Weiling |
China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract In view of the problems of manual numbering of new mine patchs in the compilation of existing mine remote sensing monitoring data, such as time-consuming and error-prone nature and unclear specification, the authors, based on the analysis of the technical requirements for the submission of achievement data, realized the whole process automation of new mine patchs numbering. By using ArcPy site package, automatic operations such as dividing vectors, sorting, numbering and writing attribute table were realized. By using the customization function of ArcToolbox, the numbering function of the whole process was encapsulated into the toolbox and visualized to improve its interactivity and effectiveness. In view of the imperfection of the original spatial sorting method in ArcPy, an improved method of mine patchs sorting method was put forward and realized. By verifying the numbering of dozens to hundreds of patches in different counties and cities, the speed of automatic numbering could reach dozens per second, and the numbering efficiency increased with the increase of the number of samples. Experimental results show that this function can provide effective support for the compilation of mine remote sensing monitoring data, significantly reduce the workload of the numbering process and improve work efficiency. In addition, this method is also applicable to other similar large and repetitive remote sensing monitoring patch numbering.
mine remote sensing monitoring
patch numbering
automatic compiling
Issue Date: 21 July 2021
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