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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (4) : 192-199     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2020348
An analysis of rainstorm-induced landslides in northeast Chongqing on August 31, 2014 based on interpretation of remote sensing images
LIU Zhizhong1(), SONG Yingxu2(), YE Runqing3
1. China Railway 11th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan 100855, China
2. Jiangxi Engineering Laboratory on Radioactive Geoscience and Big Data Technology, School of Information Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China
3. Wuhan Center of China Geological Survey (Central South China Innovation Center for Geosciences), Wuhan 430205, China
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A rainstorm struck northeast Chongqing from August 31 to September 2, 2014. It triggered extensive landslides and resulted in casualties and serious economic losses. To learn the condition of the landslides induced by the rainstorm and analyze the relationship between the landslides and rainfall, this study obtains the distribution of the landslides through the interpretation of high-resolution satellite remote sensing images before and after the rainstorm using RS and GIS techniques. It can be concluded that complicated geological tectonic conditions and corresponding unique tectonic erosion landform pattern make northeast Chongqing become the center of the rainstorm and also lead to the frequent occurrence of rainfall-triggered landslides in this area. Landslides will continuously occur when the maximum daily rainfall and accumulated rainfall exceed 80 mm and 160 mm, respectively, and extensive landslides will occur when the maximum daily rainfall and accumulated rainfall exceed 100 mm and 210 mm, respectively. Furthermore, landslides are the most liable to occur in windward slopes with a gradient of about 25°. Therefore, the regional topography should be taken into account in the analysis and prediction of rainfall-induced geological disasters to improve the accuracy of spatial and temporal prediction and analysis of geological hazards.

Keywords extreme rainstorm      landslide      remote sensing image interpretation      northeast Chongqing     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: SONG Yingxu     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 23 December 2021
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Zhizhong LIU
Yingxu SONG
Runqing YE
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Zhizhong LIU,Yingxu SONG,Runqing YE. An analysis of rainstorm-induced landslides in northeast Chongqing on August 31, 2014 based on interpretation of remote sensing images[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2021, 33(4): 192-199.
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降雨时间 累计降雨
巫溪县 8月31日—9月2日 233.3 214.4
奉节县 8月26日—9月2日 101.8 80.5
云阳县 8月31日—9月2日 129.2 92.5
开州区 8月31日—9月2日 189.3 179.3
万州区 8月31日—9月2日 60.2 35.7
Tab.1  Monitoring data of extreme rainfall on August 31, 2014 of northeast Chongqing
Fig.1  Precipitation distribution of northeast Chongqing on August 31,2014
Fig.2  Sketch map of rainstorm formation in northeast Chongqing under the control of geological structure
Fig.3  Remote sensing interpretation distribution of landslides induced by extreme rainfall on August 31
Fig.4  Remote sensing images before and after Guiba landslide in Fengjie County
Fig.5  Remote sensing images of the Xiahengdan landslide in Fengjie County on May 8,2015
Fig.6  Rainfall statistics of the August 31 rainstorm-induced landslide area in northeast Chongqing
Fig.7  Elevation analysis of rainstorm-induced landslide on August 31 in northeast Chongqing
Fig.8  Slope and aspect analysis of rainstorm-induced landslide on August 31 in northeast Chongqing
序号 滑坡 地层岩性 坡度/(°) 是否新增
1 云阳县双龙镇老药铺滑坡 J2s上沙溪庙组 25~39 新增点
2 云阳县双龙镇长兴村滑坡 J2s上沙溪庙组 35~40 新增点
3 云阳县江口镇黄沙包滑坡 T3x须家河组 30~46 新增点
4 云阳县江口镇向家坪场镇后滑坡 J2xs下沙溪庙组 21~31 新增点
5 云阳县鱼泉镇墳山梁滑坡 T2b巴东组 23~45 新增点
6 云阳县鱼泉镇小垭口滑坡 T3x须家河组 36~41 新增点
7 云阳县沙市镇肖硐滑坡 T2b巴东组 31~40 新增点
8 奉节县康乐镇杨柳坪滑坡 T2b巴东组 26~43 新增点
9 奉节县罗黄坪滑坡 J1z珍珠冲组 29~43 新增点
10 巫溪县上潢镇罗家坡滑坡 J1z珍珠冲组 29~43 新增点
Tab.2  Formation and lithology analysis of rainstorm-induced landslide on August 31 in northeast Chongqing
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