Technology and Methodology |
Epipolar Resampling and Epipolar Geometry Reconstruction of Linear Array Scanner Scenes Based on RPC Model |
ZHANG Guo 1, PAN Hong-bo 1, JIANG Wan-shou 1, QIN Xu-wen 2 |
1.State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan 430079, China; 2.China Geological Survey, Beijing 100037, China |
Abstract In view of the nonexistence of geometric model for epipolar image, this paper, based on the RPC model, puts forward a practical way of building geometric model from epipolar image generated by the projection track method. With the support of across-track stereo image data of SPOT 5 HRG, CBERS 2-03 and along-track stereo image data of SPOT 5 HRS, P5, GeoEye, IKONOS, this paper indicates that the RMS of vertical parallax of the epipolar image is within 0.2 pixel, that the planar RMS calculated from forward intersection by the epipolar model and the original image model is within 1m, and that the altitude RMS is within 0.3 m.
Synthetic aperture radar
Numerical simulation
Steep slope
Sea bottom topography
Issue Date: 02 August 2011
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