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REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES    2015, Vol. 27 Issue (1) : 121-126     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2015.01.19
Technology Application |
Study of land salinization of Hanggin Rear Banner in Inner Mongolia based on ALOS image
Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
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Abstract  Land salinization can lead to the degradation and disappearance of soil resources, so it is an important factor affecting the eco-environmental quality and agricultural production security, especially in arid and semi-arid environments. Land salinization is a main environmental problem in Hetao irrigation area of Inner Mongolia including Hanggin Rear Banner, because of arid climate, high salinity soil material, highly mineralized groundwater, and high groundwater level caused by improper irrigation and drainage. In this study, the intensity of land salinization was divided into five grades according to lab data of surface soil samples. Interpreting marks and spectral characteristics of different landscapes in Hanggin Rear Banner were built and analyzed by using ERDAS, fused ALOS image, field investigation and lab data of surface soil samples. The map for classification of land salinization in Hanggin Rear Banner was compiled based on interpreting marks, spectral characteristics and supervised classification method. The results indicate that the area of slightly salinized land (total content of water-soluble salt is 0~0.3%), weakly salinized land (total content of water-soluble salt is 0.3%~0.5%), moderately salinized land (total content of water-soluble salt is 0.5%~1.0%), strongly salinized land (total content of water-soluble salt is 1.0%~1.6%) and saline soil (total content of water-soluble salt is more than 1.6%) are 181.38 km2, 658.45 km2, 213.96 km2, 41.86 km2 and 28.38 km2 respectively. The land whose content of water-soluble salt is lower than 0.5% has little influence on agricultural production. The salinized land possesses as high as 55.02% of the total area in Hanggin Rear Banner. The salinized agricultural land with water-soluble salt content more than 0.5% accounts for 15.76% of the total area and 25.68% of the total agricultural land respectively, and the salinized places are distributed dispersedly among agricultural lands. The salinized agricultural land with water-soluble salt content more than 1.0% accounts for 3.28% of the total area and 5.33% of the total agricultural land respectively, and the salinized places are mainly distributed around irrigation channels and lakes, with their proportion tending to increase from northwest to southeast. The results have an important significance for land salinization control and eco-environment improvement in the Hetao irrigation area of Inner Mongolia.
Keywords passive microwave remote sensing      microwave radiometer      snow depth(SD)      snow water equivalent(SWE)      inversion algorithm     
:  X87  
Issue Date: 08 December 2014
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SUN Zhiwen
YU Pengshan
XIA Lang
WU Shengli
JIANG Lingmei
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SUN Zhiwen,YU Pengshan,XIA Lang, et al. Study of land salinization of Hanggin Rear Banner in Inner Mongolia based on ALOS image[J]. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES, 2015, 27(1): 121-126.
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