Application of high reliability and automatic construction land change detection to land supervision |
SUN Fei1,2, XU Shiwu1,2,3, WU Xincai1,2,3, XU Shihong4 |
1. Faculty of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. National Engineering Research Center for Geographic Information System, Wuhan 430074, China; 3. Wuhan Zondy Cyber Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430073, China; 4. Wuhan Burean of State Land Supervision, Wuhan 430077, China |
Abstract In order to improve the rapidity and correctness of the clue acquisition method for land supervision, this paper proposes a method of automatic construction land change detection based on stable sample database. Stable sample database was constructed by using historical land inventory data. Then the images were associated to dynamically sieve training data so as to tremendously reduce human intervention for the sake of automatic supervised classification. Before change detection, the classification results were discriminated by land inventory data. ZY-3 data obtained 4 months apart were used to carry out comparative experiments. The accuracy of construction land change detection using the method proposed in this paper was 72.82%, while that of the traditional method only reached 33% on equal terms. The results show that the precision of illegal construction land change detection is highly improved.
shadow detection
shadow compensation
high-resolution remote sensing image
linear stretch
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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