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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (1) : 102-107     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020090
A deep learning method for Landsat image cloud detection without manually labeled data
QIU Yifan(), CHAI Dengfeng()
School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Cloud and cloud shadow detection is an important part in the production of Landsat images. In recent years, deep learning has greatly improved the accuracy of cloud detection in Landsat images. However, deep convolutional neural network model training relies on a large scale of labeled images, and it is necessary to manually label each pixel as clearness, cloud or cloud shadow. Manually labeling is rather costly and time-consuming, which is not conducive to train practical models. Inspired by weakly supervised learning, this paper proposes a new deep learning method for cloud and cloud shadow detection. Firstly, conventional cloud detection algorithm CFMask is used to detect cloud and cloud shadow in Landsat images. Then, the results are used to replace the manually labeled images to train the deep convolutional neural network model for cloud detection. Finally, the model is used to detect the cloud and its shadow in new images. Experimental results show that the overall accuracy of the proposed method is 85.55%, which is better than that of CFMask and indicates that it is feasible to train the deep network model to detect cloud and cloud shadow without manually labeled data.

Keywords cloud and cloud shadow detection      Landsat8 image      convolutional neural network      semantic segmentation     
ZTFLH:  TP751.1  
Corresponding Authors: CHAI Dengfeng     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 18 March 2021
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Yifan QIU
Dengfeng CHAI
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Yifan QIU,Dengfeng CHAI. A deep learning method for Landsat image cloud detection without manually labeled data[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2021, 33(1): 102-107.
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位信息 含义 位信息 含义
0 填充 8 云阴影置信度
1 地形遮蔽 9 雪/冰置信度
2 辐射饱和 10 雪/冰置信度
3 辐射饱和 11 卷云置信度
4 12 卷云置信度
5 云置信度 13
6 云置信度 14
7 云阴影置信度 15
Tab.1  Landsat8 Collection 1 Level 1 quality band bit designations
样本集 训练样本集 验证样本集 测试样本集
子景总量 6 396 1 575 3 966
切割图像总量 70 356 17 325 43 626
按生物群落子景数量统计 荒地 996 244 242
森林 610 150 749
灌木地 509 125 871
草地/农田 799 198 485
雪/冰 680 168 618
城市 898 221 378
湿地 803 196 499
水域 1 101 273 124
Tab.2  The number of subscenes and images in sample set
Fig.1  Technical flowchart of experimental scheme
Fig.2  Network structure based on SegNet
Tab.3  Cloud and cloud shadow detection results
指标 类别 本文方法 CFMask
F1分数 78.14 77.39
云阴影 43.86 41.84
无云 90.62 89.87
总体精度 85.55 84.27
Tab.4  Evaluation of detection results(%)
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