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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (1) : 61-66     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021122
Change detection of high-resolution remote sensing images based on Siamese network
XUE Bai(), WANG Yizhe, LIU Shuhan, YUE Mingyu, WANG Yiying, ZHAO Shihu
Land Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100048, China
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With the improvement of the spatial resolution of remote sensing images, the imaging features of ground objects have become increasingly complex. As a result, the change detection methods of remote sensing images based on texture expression and local semantics are difficult to meet the demand. To improve the change detection accuracy of high-resolution remote sensing images, this study constructed a large-scale remote sensing-based human activity change detection dataset (HRHCD-1.0) with a high resolution of 0.8~2 m. Moreover, this study designed an attention-based Siamese change detection network with a strong capability to extract contextual semantic features by introducing spatial attention and channel attention mechanisms. In the model comparative experiment, the attention-based Siamese change detection network proposed in this study increased the mean intersection over union on the validation set by 24% and showed more complete detection results compared to the models using non-attention mechanisms, effectively alleviating the problems of poor boundary, local omission, and holes of models using non-attention mechanisms. The post-processing method allows for small polygon removal, hole filling, and graphic smoothing of the detection results, improving the processing graphic effects of polygons. Furthermore, the increase in the sample size in the training of change detection significantly improves the application accuracy and generalization ability of the attention-based Siamese change detection network proposed in this study.

Keywords high-resolution remote sensing images      change detection      deep learning      attention mechanism     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 14 March 2022
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Yizhe WANG
Shuhan LIU
Mingyu YUE
Yiying WANG
Shihu ZHAO
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Bai XUE,Yizhe WANG,Shuhan LIU, et al. Change detection of high-resolution remote sensing images based on Siamese network[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(1): 61-66.
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数据集 变化类型 分辨率/
LEVIR-CD[11] 建筑物 0.5 637 1 024×1 024
Google Data-
建筑物 0.55 20 1 006×1 168~
4 936×5 224
WHUCD[13] 建筑物 0.2 1 15 354×32 507
AICD[14] 建筑物、临时目标 约0.1~
10 000 256×256
SECOND[15] 多类型 约1 4 662 512×512
HRSCD[16] 多类型 0.5 2 10 000×10 000
Tab.1  Main open source high-resolution remote sensing change detection data set
Fig.1  Examples of positive and negative examples of HRHCD data set
Fig.2  Siamese attention mechanism change detection network structure
类别 前时相影像 后时相影像 Siam-Diff结果 Siam-Conc结果 Siam-Atte结果
Tab.2  Comparison of detection results of different networks
Fig.3  Results with post-processing optimization
样本量/组 预测图斑/个 真值图斑/个 R/% P/%
5 000 1 197 390 51.3 16.8
10 000 734 390 66.9 35.6
20 000 667 390 72.8 42.7
Tab.3  Model application effects under different training data scales
Fig.4  Examples of misdetected patterns for non-business types
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