Abstract The extraction of urban built-up areas plays an important role in urban development planning. To find out the method of extracting remote sensing image urban built-up area based on convolutional neural network which can balance efficiency and recognition accuracy, the authors started with the principle of neural network structure and compared as well as analyzed the internal structure of multiple semantic segmentation networks. The semantic segmentation network was trained separately and the results were comparatively studied. The experimental result shows that the ShelfNet-50 network could ensure high recognition accuracy while training speed, achieved 77% foreground segmentation accuracy while training time was only 14 hours, and the result of ShelfNet-50 network prediction was also highly consistent with the corresponding remote sensing image data. The experiment confirms that ShelfNet-50 network can be applied to high-resolution remote sensing image urban built-up area extraction problems.
high-resolution remote sensing image
convolutional neural network
semantic segmentation
urban built-up area
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: liuz@tsinghua.edu.cn;zhaot18@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Issue Date: 18 March 2021
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