Technology Application |
Dynamic remote sensing interpretation of geological disasters in Nanping City of Fujian Province using CBERS serial data |
XU Yueren1, HE Honglin2, CHEN Lize1, SHEN Xuhui1 |
1. Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100036, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Active Tectonics and Volcano, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract It is important to expand the application of domestic satellite data such as China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite(CBERS) images for backtracking interpretation research in such areas year-by-year. In this paper,with the Nanping City in northwestern Fujian Province as the study area,the authors collected the related eleven CBERS images acquired during 1999-2008,and established the image interpretation keys to the disasters. The visual interpretation method based on GIS platform was used in combination with the field studies,and a total of 2 059 interpreted disaster points were obtained during the past 8 years, with no data obtained in 2001 and 2002. The results of dynamic analysis show that the geological disasters in he study area were mainly the shallow landslides that concentratedly happened in 2000 and 2005. They reached 582 and 766 sites respectively, possessed 65% of the total landslides, and were distributed near residential and traffic districts, showing heterogeneous temporal and spatial characteristics. It is held that CBERS images can be employed for dynamic survey of geological disasters.
microwave land surface emissivity
soil type
climate factors
Issue Date: 01 July 2014
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