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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2018, Vol. 30 Issue (1) : 187-195     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.01.26
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Remote sensing study of vegetation coverage during the period 1992—2014 in Dananhu desert area, Xinjiang
Yuting ZHANG1(), Zhenfei ZHANG1(), Zhi ZHANG2
1. Institute of Mathematical Geology and Remote Sensing, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
2. School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
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The Dananhu district in Hami of Xinjiang is a typical gobi desert in Northwest China. In this paper, the authors investigated the temporal-spatial variations of the natural vegetation coverage during 1992―2014 in this region, using correlation analyses and dimidiate pixel model based on the multi-spectral remote sensing data, the local meteorological data, and the digital elevation model. The results show that, from 1992 to 2014, vegetation coverage in the region showed a trend of increase. Generally the vegetation coverage is weakly positively correlated to elevation; locally, however, the plants (mainly juniper tamarisk, haloxylon ammodendron, and reed) are more developed in the relatively depressed localities (saline areas or sandy dry riverbeds) than those in Gobi desert areas. The vegetation coverage is positively correlated to the sunshine duration and evaporation, but unrelated to precipitation and humidity. It is suggested that the natural plants in this regions live on groundwater mainly. The global temperature increasing during 1992-2014 might to some extent promote, instead of retard, the natural vegetation, probably through enhancing the groundwater supply due to glacier melting at nearby mountains.

Keywords Dananhu in Hami      Xinjiang      remote sensing      vegetation coverage      Gobi desert      climate change     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 08 February 2018
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Yuting ZHANG
Zhenfei ZHANG
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Yuting ZHANG,Zhenfei ZHANG,Zhi ZHANG. Remote sensing study of vegetation coverage during the period 1992—2014 in Dananhu desert area, Xinjiang[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2018, 30(1): 187-195.
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Fig.1  Map of landscapes of study area interpreted from ETM+ data
传感器 获取日期 标识ID 条带号/行编号 云量/%
TM 19920730 LT51380311992212BJC01 138/031 0.00
19940720 LT51380311994201ISP00 138/031 0.32
19980715 LT51380311998196ULM00 138/031 15.29
20040816 LT51380312004229BJC00 138/031 1.20
20070708 LT51380312007189IKR00 138/031 0.00
20090729 LT51380312009210IKR00 138/031 1.15
20110820 LT51380312011232IKR00 138/031 8.43
ETM+ 20000813 LE71380312000226SGS00 138/031 0.01
20020702 LE71380312002183SGS01 138/031 0.98
OLI 20140727 LC81380312014208LGN00 138/031 0.04
Tab.1  Remote sensing data used in this paper
Fig.2  Field photos of various degrees of vegetation coverage
Fig.3  Spatial distribution of average vegetation coverage during 1992—2014
Fig.4  Line charts for variations of areas of various vegetation coverage grades and total vegetation during 1992—2014
Fig.5  Relation between vegetation coverage and elevation
湿润指数 当月降水/mm 前月降水/mm 2个月平均
低覆盖度区面积 0.601*① 0.751* -0.455 -0.426 -0.246 -0.424 -0.256
中覆盖度区面积 0.787* 0.803* -0.551 -0.552 -0.062 -0.380 -0.212
中高覆盖度区面积 0.884* 0.620* -0.474 -0.497 0.159 -0.201 -0.010
高覆盖度区面积 0.789* 0.400 -0.406 -0.445 0.295 -0.079 0.161
有植被覆盖区面积 0.622* 0.759* -0.465 -0.438 -0.233 -0.423 -0.253
植物总量指标 0.651* 0.819* -0.508 -0.478 -0.214 -0.436 -0.270
Tab.2  Partial correlation coefficients of various vegetation coverage grades and meteorological data
Fig.6  Annual mean variations of temperature in study area and global during 1992—2014
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