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REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES    2015, Vol. 27 Issue (4) : 122-130     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2015.04.19
Assessment of applying ZY-3 DEM data to quantitative study of active structures
SU Yuanyuan, ZHANG Jingfa, HE Zhongtai, JIANG Wenliang, JIANG Hongbo, LI Qiang
Institute of Crustal Dynamics, CEA, Beijing 100085, China
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Abstract  In order to evaluate the data usability of ZY-3 in geology, the authors chose piedmont fault of the Daqing Mountain as the study area, and assessed the effect of applying the DEM(digital elevation model)of ZY-3 to quantitative study of active structure on the basis of the on-orbit testing work. Consulting 1: 50 000 DEM and high-precision GPS data, the authors assessed the DEM of ZY-3 which has 5m resolution by the check-point method and profile method, in comparison with the GDEM of ASTER which has 30 m resolution. Experimental results show that the elevation accuracy of ZY-3 DEM is slightly better than that of ASTER GDEM,and ZY-3 DEM is affected by the terrain factors more significantly than ASTER GDEM. Statistic analysis and micro-topographic research were carried out on piedmont fault of the Daqing Mountain, and the results obtained show that mountain areas account for about 92% of this region, and most of them are low or medium mountains. This region has four planation surfaces and a piedmont deposition platform, the closer to the last part of the eastern fault, the weaker the activity is. Fractures are distributed in linear form and their activities are mainly in tension with left-level slip. The high resolution optical images, multispectral resolution images and DEM can be widely used in quantitative study of active structures.
Keywords HY-1B/COCTS      stripe noise      waters      moment matching      quality evaluation     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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GONG Shaoqi
WANG Shaofeng
SUN Deyong
LU Yicen
GUO Wenzhe
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GONG Shaoqi,ZHANG Xiru,WANG Shaofeng, et al. Assessment of applying ZY-3 DEM data to quantitative study of active structures[J]. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES, 2015, 27(4): 122-130.
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