Application of hyperspectral imaging technology in crop seeds |
PENG Xiaowei1( ), ZHANG Aijun1,2( ), WANG Nan3, ZHAO Li4 |
1. College of Resources and Environment Science, Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001, China 2. Hebei Mountain Research Institute, Baoding 071000, China 3. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China 4. College of Land and Resources, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China |
Abstract Crop seeds are the most basic and original means of production in the planting industry. The selection of high-quality seeds directly determines the economic and production benefits in the agricultural production process. Hyperspectral imaging technology emerged in the 1980s, which has the characteristics of non-destruction, rapid imaging and “integration of atlas”. Previous studies of crop seeds using hyperspectral imaging technology mainly focused on the variety identification, vigor detection, and seed quality of crop seeds. In this paper, based on the previous research, the authors summarize and refine the data processing models, which include such methods as partial least square method, Ada-Boost algorithm, limit learning machine (ELM), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and artificial neural network (ANN). To sum up, the purpose of this paper is to provide the best spectral range, sample types, noise reduction methods, feature band extraction, model building and other aspects as the basis for various types of crop seed research, and to provide suggestions for future research direction.
spectral imaging technology
crop seeds
characteristic band
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 1187846870@qq.com;xm70526@163.com
Issue Date: 23 December 2020
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