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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2019, Vol. 31 Issue (1) : 125-132     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.17
A study of block adjustment of domestic multi-source high resolution satellite images
Wei ZHANG, Jianwei QI(), Ying CHEN, Xu HAN
China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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Error precision analysis is the important guarantee of block adjustment (BA) of multi-source remote sensing data, because it not only guarantees the edge accuracy of different source data, but also improves the stability of the whole regional network adjustment. With the development of the domestic satellite, the multi-source BA has been applied to it; however, the research on precision analysis of multi-source BA and the relationship between multi-source and single-source BA is relatively deficient. According to RPC (rational polynomial coefficient), an experiment that has constructed the multi-source BA model of multi-source remote sensing data based on domestic satellite (GF-1, GF-2, ZY-3) of Chongqing area was carried out in this paper, where a series of effects of BA to correct the systematic errors and the relationship between multi-source and single-source BA were in-depth analyzed under the different plans of control points. The results show that the BA of domestic multi-source high resolution satellite images is feasible, which can also improve the accuracy for single-source BA.

Keywords domestic high resolution satellite images      multi-source remote sensing data      block adjustment      rational function mode      error precision analysis     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Jianwei QI     E-mail:
Issue Date: 15 March 2019
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Jianwei QI
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Wei ZHANG,Jianwei QI,Ying CHEN, et al. A study of block adjustment of domestic multi-source high resolution satellite images[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2019, 31(1): 125-132.
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Fig.1  Study area and data
策略名称 布控策略描述
策略1 没有控制点,仅依靠初始RPC模型精度
策略2 中心单点布控,控制点1个
策略3 周边四角点布控+中心控制点,控制点5个
策略4 周边匀均增加控制点,控制点9个
策略5 周边均匀增加控制点,控制点30个
策略6 中心及周边均匀增加控制点,控制点60个
策略7 均匀增加控制点,控制点100个
策略8 进一步均匀增加控制点,控制点160个
策略9 全部为控制点,参与定向,控制点176个
Tab.1  Strategy of GCPs for multi-source block adjustment
策略名称 策略描述 卫星类型
GF-1 GF-2 ZY-3
策略1 无控定向 0 0 0
策略2 中心单点布控 1 1 1
策略3 周围四角点+中心单点 5 5 5
策略4 周边均匀增加 9 9 9
策略5 继续扩充周边控制点 18 18 15
策略6 中心及周边均匀增加控制点 30 30 19
策略7 整体均匀增加控制点 44 45 23
策略8 进一步均匀增加控制点 60 60 27
策略9 全部作为控制点 70 77 29
Tab.2  Strategy of GCPs for both single-source and multi-source block adjustment
控制策略 定向控制点RMSE 检查点RMSE
点数 X Y 点数 X Y
策略1 0 0 0 176 108.523 13.435
策略2 1 44.511 4.38 175 57.421 10.887
策略3 5 15.472 2.457 171 25.832 7.238
策略4 9 10.051 2.129 167 17.106 5.767
策略5 30 5.025 4.818 146 7.033 4.009
策略6 60 4.732 4.365 116 5.685 3.683
策略7 100 4.401 3.872 76 5.521 3.277
策略8 160 4.747 3.612 16 4.803 2.300
策略9 176 4.051 2.980 0 0 0
Tab.3  Error precision of multi-source block adjustment in different Strategy of GCPs(m)
卫星数据处理方案 连接点RMSE
点数 X Y
GF-1单一数据源 1 017 0.12 0.14
GF-2单一数据源 1 158 0.13 0.24
ZY-3单一数据源 126 0.09 0.08
GF-1/GF-2/ZY-3多源 4 080 0.16 0.27
Fig.2  Relation between check points’ RMSE of multi-source block adjustment and number of GCPs
Fig.3  Residual distribution of CPs and GCPs of multi-source block adjustment
点个数 GF-1单源平差 多源平差(GF-2/ZY-3)
策略1 0 70 144.553 24.493 107.051 14.787
策略2 1 69 54.835 11.067 49.096 6.126
策略3 5 65 22.659 7.205 24.05 4.989
策略4 9 61 10.488 5.432 11.629 4.733
策略5 18 52 4.581 4.103 6.851 4.503
策略6 30 40 4.023 3.000 5.573 3.673
策略7 44 26 4.082 3.034 4.34 3.362
策略8 60 10 3.342 2.522 2.934 2.488
策略9 70 0 0 0 0 0
Tab.5  Error precision of single and multi-source block adjustment for GF-1 satellite
点个数 GF-2单源平差 多源平差(GF-1/ZY-3)
策略1 0 77 85.541 43.059 109.163 14.787
策略2 1 76 34.202 16.917 54.41 6.771
策略3 5 72 22.659 7.205 18.401 3.109
策略4 9 68 13.574 4.292 11.477 3.727
策略5 18 59 6.409 3.053 6.826 2.797
策略6 30 47 5.409 2.482 5.621 2.592
策略7 45 32 5.042 2.474 4.949 2.430
策略8 60 17 5.395 2.789 5.280 2.526
策略9 77 0 0 0 0 0
Tab.6  Error precision of single and multi-source block adjustment for GF-2 satellite
点个数 ZY-3单源平差 多源平差(GF-1/GF-2)
策略1 0 29 96.366 20.664 106.013 19.919
策略2 1 28 15.503 5.439 53.528 5.985
策略3 5 24 5.790 3.927 24.322 4.704
策略4 9 20 3.916 2.373 9.904 3.066
策略5 15 14 2.803 2.778 7.303 3.024
策略6 19 10 3.248 2.459 6.376 2.877
策略7 23 6 3.029 2.079 5.051 2.562
策略8 27 2 0.435 1.801 3.882 1.999
策略9 29 0 0 0 0 0
Tab.7  Error precision of single and multi-source block adjustment for ZY-3 satellite
Fig.4  Relation between check points’ RMSE of single or multi-source block adjustment of GF-1 and number of GCPs
Fig.5  Relation between check points’ RMSE of single or multi-source block adjustment of GF-2 and number of GCPs
Fig.6  Relation between check points’ RMSE of single or multi-source block adjustment of ZY-3 and number of GCPs
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