Discussion on quality inspection and solution of DEM generated by airborne LiDAR technology |
Lei MENG, Chao LIN |
Land Resource and Information Center of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510075, China |
Abstract At present, the technology of generating high precision and high current digital elevation model (DEM) based on airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data has been widely used. It is urgent to control the quality of DEM data scientifically and efficiently. In this paper, the authors introduce the three-step inspection method based on practical production experience, which includes human-machine interpretation discriminant inspection, semi-automatic inspection and automatic inspection through python. This method comprehensively covers the quality inspection of DEM generated by airborne LiDAR technology and provides the solution, thus improving the efficiency and accuracy of quality inspection and filling the blank of nonexistence of ready-made software and methods for completing the work.
airborne LiDAR
digital elevation model
point cloud classification
quality inspection
Issue Date: 14 March 2020
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