Technology and Methodology |
Method of deriving DEM in the mining area based on filtering of airborne LiDAR data |
WU Fang, ZHANG Zonggui, GUO Zhaocheng, AN Zhihong, YU Kun, LI Ting |
China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract Airborne LiDAR data can be used to monitor ground collapse in the vegetation-covered area effectively. A progressive triangulation filtering DEM-construction method based on region segmentation is proposed in this paper. In this method, the raw point clouds are re-organized so as to improve the efficiency of points calculation; combined with the regional statistical value of elevation difference, the authors conducted segmentation of ground points and non-ground points according to survey area's terrain, and then used ground points to build the initial sparse TIN model. Following the calculation of the distance between other points and TIN, the authors obtained progressive encryption triangulation and extracted ground points. Finally the authors eliminated isolated points, thus generating a DEM. This method was applied to airborne LiDAR data obtained in Hunan Province. The experiment results show that the proposed method is promising. The DEM constructed by this method conveys more refined topographical information. Especially in the vegetation-covered area, the extraction of high-precision DEM can be achieved. Meanwhile, the location and range of ground collapse can be shown.
ecological environment
upper reaches of the Minjiang River
analytic hierarchy process(AHP)
spatial distribution
Issue Date: 08 December 2014
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