Conversion of data and symbol library from MapGIS to ArcGIS |
WU Xinqiang, ZHOU Ya, WANG Ruyi, ZHANG Huibing, QIN Xinguo |
Computer Science and Engineering Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China |
Abstract In order to attain data sharing between MapGIS and ArcGIS system, this paper puts forward a scheme which realizes the conversion of geological data and geological symbol library from MapGIS to ArcGIS. On the basis of MapGIS and ArcGIS Objects for secondary development, geological symbol library exports the corresponding file as XML by MapGIS software. XML is analyzed and symbolized into the corresponding symbol library. Geological data are converted into shapefiles, with the generation of engineering (MXD) files which save the render information. The conversion of geological data and geological symbol library from MapGIS platform to ArcGIS platform can be finally realized by programming.
snowmelt flood
normalized difference water index based on blue light (NDWI-B)
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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