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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2018, Vol. 30 Issue (4) : 132-138     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.20
Dynamic changes of vegetation cover in natural forest area of western Sichuan in recent 29 years based on RS
Jiaming LAI1,2, Wunian YANG1()
1. College of Earth Science, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
2. College of Forestry, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
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Monitoring the effectiveness of natural forest protection project (NFPP) is of great significance. In order to know about the changes of natural forest in western Sichuan before and after the implementation of the NFPP, based on the comparative analysis of land cover classification results of Landsat series remote sensing images in 1989, 2000 and 2017, the characteristics of vegetation cover change in western Sichuan natural forest area in recent 29 years were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the vegetation coverage of the natural forest area in western Sichuan was declining as a whole before the NFPP from 1989 to 2000, and it showed a slow rising trend after the projection from 2000 to 2017. The vegetation coverage area which were middle grade and above decreased 6 291.56 hm 2 before the projection and 4 384.01 hm 2 increased after that. The land cover types in the study area in the last 29 years were dominated by arbor forest and shrub forest, and the area transfer occurred mainly between them. In the past 29 years, the change of farmland area was obvious, which increased before the NFPP and decreased after that. In the last 29 years, the forest coverage rate in the study area was rapidly decreasing at first and then slowly increasing. The rate dropped to 61.77% from 1989 to 2000, a decrease of 2.57%, then slowly rose to 65.61% from 2000 to 2017, and the increase was 3.84%. The results of the study show that the implementation of the NFPP has been effectively protecting the natural forest resources in western Sichuan.

Keywords remote sensing technology      natural forest of western Sichuan      vegetation coverage      natural forest protection project (NFPP)     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Wunian YANG     E-mail:
Issue Date: 07 December 2018
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Jiaming LAI
Wunian YANG
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Jiaming LAI,Wunian YANG. Dynamic changes of vegetation cover in natural forest area of western Sichuan in recent 29 years based on RS[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2018, 30(4): 132-138.
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Fig.1  Position of the research area
Fig.2  Distribution of land cover types of the research area
地类 1989年 2000年 2017年
检验样本数 精度/% 检验样本数 精度/% 检验样本数 精度/%
乔木林地 116 90.52 98 90.82 217 91.24
灌木林地 107 91.59 79 93.67 211 92.89
草地 161 95.03 162 95.68 265 96.98
水域 70 95.71 89 94.38 182 93.41
耕地 80 92.69 105 95.24 170 95.88
未利用地 113 94.69 265 93.58 397 94.46
采伐迹地 76 89.47 85 91.76
合计 723 92.95 883 93.77 1 442 94.24
Tab.1  Test result of classification accuracy
Fig.3  Distribution of vegetation coverage in the research area
1989年 2000年 2017年
0.02 1.59 0.11
中低 8.92 12.99 10.54
中等 66.71 63.42 58.34
中高 18.67 17.99 24.39
5.68 4.01 6.62
Tab.2  Statistics of vegetation coverage in the research area in 1989, 2000 and 2017
地类 1989年 2000年 2017年
面积/hm2 比例/% 面积/hm2 比例/% 面积/hm2 比例/%
乔木林地 33 904.86 30.39 30 651.84 27.48 35 381.52 31.72
灌木林地 37 870.50 33.95 38 254.67 34.29 37 807.96 33.89
草地 24 099.16 21.60 23 628.40 21.18 23 300.25 20.89
水域 671.52 0.60 685.86 0.61 675.19 0.60
耕地 1 703.49 1.53 2 426.66 2.18 1 639.86 1.47
采伐迹地 1 036.21 0.93 2 314.60 2.08 0 0
未利用地 12 266.75 11.00 13 590.46 12.18 12 747.71 11.43
合计 111 552.49 100.00 111 552.49 100.00 111 552.49 100.00
Tab.3  Statistics of land use in the research area in 1989, 2000 and 2017
1989年 2000年
未利用地 采伐迹地 草地 耕地 灌木林地 乔木林地 水域 合计
未利用地 9 978.24 27.29 1 281.10 15.09 641.43 317.45 6.14 12 266.75
采伐迹地 51.67 198.89 154.77 7.80 530.58 91.78 0.72 1 036.21
草地 1 577.82 126.64 18 440.92 232.93 2 828.75 880.48 11.61 24 099.16
耕地 0.35 17.86 125.21 1 478.34 62.78 16.57 2.38 1 703.49
灌木林地 1 806.51 573.96 3 174.60 412.14 30 278.99 1 609.79 14.52 37 870.50
乔木林地 175.10 1 369.54 440.78 277.61 3 904.96 27 734.95 1.90 33 904.86
水域 0.75 0.42 11.02 2.75 7.18 0.81 648.59 671.52
合计 13 590.46 2 314.60 23 628.40 2 426.66 38 254.67 30 651.84 685.86 111 552.49
Tab.4  Area transition of land use type in the research area from 1989 to 2000(hm2)
2000年 2017年
未利用地 采伐迹地 草地 耕地 灌木林地 乔木林地 水域 合计
未利用地 11 397.50 0 624.67 0.39 1 447.41 117.28 3.21 13 590.46
采伐迹地 18.10 0 189.98 18.05 1 750.12 337.45 0.89 2 314.60
草地 604.15 0 20 057.91 168.17 2 506.35 267.04 24.78 23 628.40
耕地 2.88 0 209.84 1 342.23 449.96 416.50 5.25 2 426.66
灌木林地 615.12 0 1 817.19 93.31 30 303.97 5 411.36 13.73 38 254.67
乔木林地 103.61 0 381.55 13.01 1 322.40 28 829.47 1.80 30 651.84
水域 6.34 0 19.11 4.70 27.76 2.41 625.53 685.86
合计 12 747.71 0 23 300.25 1 639.86 37 807.96 35 381.52 675.19 111 552.49
Tab.5  Area transition of land use type in the research area from 2000 to 2017(hm2)
年份 1989年 2000年 2017年
森林覆盖率 64.34 61.77 65.61
Tab.6  Statistics of the research area’s forest coverage rate in 1989, 2000 and 2017(%)
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