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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (4) : 258-264     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021019
A RS-based study on changes in fractional vegetation cover in North Shaanxi and their driving factors
JIN Chengming1(), YANG Xingwang1, JING Haitao2
1. Shanghai Railway Beidou Survey Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200040, China
2. School of Surveying and Mapping and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
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This study investigates the spatial-temporal changes in the fractional vegetation cover in North Shanxi using the methods of inverse distance weighting and Pearson correlation analysis based on the GIS, RS, and SPSS22.0 platforms and the MODIS data of North Shanxi from 2000 to 2015. Meanwhile, it researches the driving factors of the vegetation changes according to the data of precipitation, air temperature, and social economy. The results are as follows. During 2000-2015, the overall fractional vegetation cover in the study area varied in the range of 0.35~0.55. Meanwhile, the spatial-temporal differences in the distribution of climatic factors produced different effects on the fractional vegetation cover. According to the results of principal component analysis, the contribution rates of GDP, rural population, total population, cultivated land area, precipitation, and air temperature were 41.4%, -38.3%, 35.7%, 32.8%, 21.3%, and 7.1%, respectively for the changes in the fractional vegetation cover. The study on the driving factors of vegetation cover will provide a scientific basis for future ecological protection.

Keywords vegetation coverage      climate change      spatial-temporal change      trend analysis      socio-economic factors     
ZTFLH:  TP79P208  
Issue Date: 23 December 2021
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Chengming JIN
Xingwang YANG
Haitao JING
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Chengming JIN,Xingwang YANG,Haitao JING. A RS-based study on changes in fractional vegetation cover in North Shaanxi and their driving factors[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2021, 33(4): 258-264.
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Fig.1  Geographical map of the study area
类型 劣覆盖度 低覆盖度 中覆盖度 高覆盖度
比例 17.2 25.0 27.1 30.7
Tab.1  Proportion distribution of different vegetation coverage(%)
Fig.2  Spatial distribution of vegetation coverage in the study area from 2000 to 2015
变化等级 slope
2000—2015年 2000—2005年 2006—2010年 2011—2015年
像元数 比例/% 像元数 比例/% 像元数 比例/% 像元数 比例/%
明显退化 (-∞,-0.01) 881 1.08 61 673 75.80 20 127 24.73 38 094 46.81
中度退化 [-0.01,-0.005) 2 921 3.59 6 924 8.50 7 832 9.63 5 851 7.19
轻度退化 [-0.005,-0.001) 7 360 9.15 4 484 5.52 5 807 7.13 6 502 7.99
几乎不变 [-0.001,0.001) 10 363 12.64 3 733 4.58 10 021 12.31 7 351 9.04
轻度改善 [0.001,0.005) 11 371 13.79 2 058 2.53 7 554 9.29 5 840 7.42
中度改善 [0.005,0.01) 14 376 17.76 1 609 1.98 6 406 7.87 4 768 5.86
明显改善 [0.01,+∞) 34 100 41.90 891 1.09 23 625 29.04 12 766 15.69
Tab.2  Statistics of vegetation coverage trend in the study area from 2000 to 2015
Fig.3  Spatial distribution of precipitation characteristics in the study area from 2000 to 2015
Fig.4  Spatial distribution of annual mean temperature in the study area from 2000 to 2015
Fig.5  Changes in annual average precipitation trends in the study area from 2000 to 2015
Fig.6  Trend of annual average temperature in the study area from 2000 to 2015
Fig.7  Correlation between vegetation coverage and precipitation
Fig.8  Correlation between vegetation coverage and air temperature
主成分 特征值 贡献率/%
GDP 3.36 41.4
农村人口 1.8 -38.3
总人口 0.79 35.7
耕地面积 0.52 32.8
降水 0.21 21.3
气温 0.04 7.1
Tab.3  Contribution rate of drivers of vegetation cover change
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