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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2018, Vol. 30 Issue (2) : 195-201     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.26
Spatial-temporal pattern analysis of the vegetation coverage and geological hazards in Yanchi County based on dimidiate pixel model
Xiaodong ZHANG1,2(), Xiangnan LIU1(), Zhipeng ZHAO2, Yinxin ZHAO2, Yuxue MA2, Haiyan LIU2
1. School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
2. Ningxia Geological Survey Institute, Yinchuan 750021, China
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Based on dimidiate pixel model and using Landsat TM/OLI remote sensing images of 4 periods in 25 years (1989—2014) and geological hazards investigation data, the authors analyzed the characteristics of vegetation spatial-temporal pattern in Yanchi County by GIS and discussed the relationship between vegetation coverage and geological hazards. The results showed that the vegetation coverage of study area took on the features of relatively high vegetation coverage in the east and relatively low vegetation coverage in the west. The average vegetation coverage was on the low side generally and presented the characteristics of increase-decrease-increase; correspondingly the vegetation appeared the repetitive process of restoration-degeneration-restoration but had a tendency of recovery as a whole, with restoration distributed in the southeast and northwest and degeneration in the mid-west. Geological hazards point density was high in the south and low in the north, which suggests that the hazards points were concentrated in the south and dispersed in the north. A negative correlation between vegetation coverage and density of geological hazards points was discovered, which suggests the regularity of density of geological hazards points descending with the increasing of vegetation coverage: the higher the vegetation, the lower the density of geological hazards points.

Keywords vegetation coverage      dimidiate pixel      spatial-temporal pattern      geological hazards      Yanchi County     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Xiangnan LIU     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 30 May 2018
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Xiaodong ZHANG
Xiangnan LIU
Zhipeng ZHAO
Yinxin ZHAO
Yuxue MA
Haiyan LIU
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Xiaodong ZHANG,Xiangnan LIU,Zhipeng ZHAO, et al. Spatial-temporal pattern analysis of the vegetation coverage and geological hazards in Yanchi County based on dimidiate pixel model[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2018, 30(2): 195-201.
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年份 NDVIveg NDVIsoil
1989年 0.772 37 0.097 06
1999年 0.694 78 0.088 52
2006年 0.608 85 0.080 20
2014年 0.883 29 0.081 79
Tab.1  NDVIveg and NDVIsoil of remote sensing images in different periods
1989年 1999年 2006年 2014年 变化率/(km2·a-1)
面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 1989—
Ⅰ级 1 308.34 19.36 890.10 13.17 1 933.55 28.61 813.75 12.04 -41.82 149.06 -139.98
Ⅱ级 2 366.14 35.01 2 179.21 32.25 3 281.98 48.57 2 919.37 43.20 -18.69 157.54 -45.33
Ⅲ级 1 656.35 24.51 2 074.65 30.70 1 118.17 16.55 1 885.13 27.90 41.83 -136.64 95.87
Ⅳ级 802.84 11.88 1 030.83 15.25 245.13 3.63 687.70 10.18 22.80 -112.24 55.32
Ⅴ级 623.95 9.23 582.83 8.62 178.79 2.65 451.67 6.68 -4.12 -57.72 34.11
Tab.2  Vegetation coverage area and rate of change in Yanchi County from 1989 to 2014
Fig.1  Vegetation coverage variation of Yanchi County in different periods
Fig.2  Precipitation and temperature variation in Yanchi County from 1989 to 2014 (Yanchi Station)
Fig.3  Density of geological hazards in Yanchi County
Fig.4  Overlay statistics of vegetation coverage and geological hazards in Yanchi County
严重退化 0 0.032 23.39 0.066 133.05 0.039 259.62 0.050 422.38 0.026
中度退化 22.67 0.056 303.46 0.066 589.25 0.028 283.93 0.019 108.56 0.010
轻微退化 101.43 0.092 527.41 0.095 368.44 0.043 103.20 0.008 30.00 0.011
轻微改善 234.47 0.101 657.05 0.079 252.69 0.061 63.14 0.013 17.75 0.015
中度改善 581.01 0.076 615.69 0.092 206.24 0.078 52.24 0.010 17.74 0.022
极度改善 368.96 0.051 239.12 0.061 106.61 0.062 40.65 0.024 27.50 0.025
Tab.3  Density of geological hazard points and areas on the overlay of vegetation coverage variation from 1989 to 2014 and vegetation coverage in 1989 of Yanchi County
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