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REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES    2012, Vol. 24 Issue (3) : 22-28     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.03.05
Technology and Methodology |
POS System Boresight Misalignment Calibration with Bundle Adjustment Method
ZHAO Hai-tao1,2, ZHANG Bing1, ZUO Zheng-li1, CHEN Zheng-chao1
1. Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China;
2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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Abstract  The boresight misalignment between inertial measurement unit (IMU) and sensor should be calibrated firstly for direct georeferencing (DG) of aerial photogrammetry. For this reason,the authors presented a simple and convenient boresight calibration model of position and orientation system (POS)-supported bundle block adjustment,and derived the fundamental error equation. The calibration result of this method is accordant with the calibration result of the commercial software CALQC in two empirical blocks. The method of boresight misalignment calibration proposed in this paper is correct and effective, as evidenced by a comparison with the DG results and y-parallax. The exterior orientations corrected with the calibration result can be directly used for mapping the topographic map at the scale of 1:10 000 in high mountain areas.
Keywords vegetation cover      change detection      cross correlogram spectral matching (CCSM)      cross-correlation coefficient      hidden markov random field model     
:  TP706  
Issue Date: 20 August 2012
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WANG Xiao-dong
HE Hao
HOU Dong
SUN Guan-nan
ZHU Wen-quan
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WANG Xiao-dong,HE Hao,HOU Dong, et al. POS System Boresight Misalignment Calibration with Bundle Adjustment Method[J]. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES, 2012, 24(3): 22-28.
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