Technology Application |
The Extraction of the Manganese Mineralization Alteration Information from the ETM+ Image and Ore Prognosis |
DENG Ji-Qiu, XIE Yang, ZHANG Bao-Yi, MAO Xian-Cheng |
(School of Geosiences and Environmental Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract As the surface of the manganese ore deposit always contains a large amount of hydroxyl and ferric ions,manganese mineralization anomaly can be characterized to some extent by the hydroxyl and iron anomaly. The authors therefore proposed the adoption of such methods as band ratio,threshold segmentation and principal component analysis to extract the hydroxyl and iron abnormal alteration information from ETM+ remote sensing images,and analyzed the extracted abnormal alteration information in combination with data from known ore spots by using GIS. With manganese deposits in western Guangxi and southeastern Yunnan as examples and through the manganese mineralization alteration information extraction and comprehensive analysis,the authors verified the relationship between manganese mineralization and remote sensing alteration information as well as the effectiveness of the methods used in this paper and, on such a basis, put forward new ideas and methods for the prediction and evaluation of manganese ore deposits. Using extracted alteration information,the authors divided the study area into three kinds of favorable ore-forming zones on the basis of ore-forming favorable degree and delineated six potential districts for ore-prospecting in this area.
Radiant correction
Hanjian basin
Issue Date: 22 March 2011
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