Technology and Methodology |
Ship Wake Detection in ASAR Image Based on Modified Normalized Hough Transform |
GONG Biao, HUANG Wei-gen, CHEN Peng |
State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics(SOED), Second Institute of Oceanography, State Bureau of Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 310012, China |
Abstract A ship wake detection method based on modified normalized Hough transform was proposed in this paper according to the fact that parts of ships and their wakes are nearly on a straight line in advanced synthetic aperture radar(ASAR)image. Experiments were made to verified the method. On the one hand,the peaks were modified in Hough transform field; on the other hand,the constraint conditions confirming initial and end points of ships were amended. The experimental results show that the method of wake detection in the ASAR image can more accurately detect ship wakes.
simulation of Poyang Lake’s water level
control water
submerged scope
Poyang Lake
World Wind
Issue Date: 20 August 2012
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