Retrieval of Wetland Vegetation Biomass in Poyang Lake Based on Quad-polarization Image |
LIU Ju1,2, LIAO Jing-juan1, SHEN Guo-zhuang1 |
1. Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China;
2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China |
Abstract The Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China as well as an internationally important wetland. Long-term quantitative study of vegetation biomass in this area helps deepen our understanding of regional and global carbon balance. The authors investigated the approach and method of Radarsat-2C-Band quad-polarization imagery for biomass retrieval in wetland vegetation. The vegetation canopy scattering model was modified and used to simulate the backscattering characteristics. Polarization decomposition was adopted to prepare the testing data with the model output for BP neural network. After obtaining the retrieval values of vegetation biomass, the values were compared with the filed-measured values. The results show that the introduction of the output data of vegetation canopy scattering model and polarimetric decomposition technique to the BP neural network algorithm could reduce the retrieval error effectively, and that the Quad-polarization imagery has broad application prospect in the field of biomass retrieval.
remote sensing prospecting
lithological classification
alteration information extraction
fractal dimension spectra
Issue Date: 20 August 2012
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