Abstract With the implementation of the National Marine Strategy and the deepening of coastal zone development in coastal areas, it is necessary to study the coastal zone evolution as well as monitor and protect the coastal zone, which will provide a reasonable basis for coastal zone development. In this paper, remote sensing (RS) and (geographic information system, GIS) technology, Landsat, (digital elevation model, DEM) and tidal data were used to extract coastal zone data of Rizhao City in 1988, 1998, 2008 and 2018, and analyze the coastline distribution characteristics, the spatio-temporal distribution and land use status of coastal zone and dynamic evolution of estuary. The results are as follows: Firstly, the coastline of Rizhao showed an overall growth trend from 1988 to 2018, with a total increase of 52.7 km; The period of 1998—2008 experienced the fastest coastline growing, with the growth rate being 0.68 km/a. The distribution of coastline was dominated by sandy coastline and artificial coastline. Secondly, the land use change in the coastal zone was manifested in the continuous increase of the construction land area, with its proportion from 213.77 km2 to 413.93 km2, while the farmland/grassland area and its proportion decreased from 445.50 km2 to 287.03 km2. The overall trend was that a large amount of cultivated land/grassland was converted to construction land. Thirdly, the estuary was a place where the change of coastal erosion and deposition was the most prominent. The estuary was eroded and the estuarine shoreline retreated from 1988 to 1998. The estuary remained relatively stable from 1998 to 2008. The estuary silted up to the sea and the coastline grew seaward from 2008 to 2018. In general, changes in the landward direction of the coastal zone are affected by geomorphic types, sea level rise, sediment discharge, artificial sand mining and some other factors. Changes in the seaward direction are related to sediment accumulation, establishment of breeding areas and ports, reclamation and other coastal development activities. The conclusion of this paper can provide reference for the planning and management of Rizhao coastal zone.
coastal zone
change processes
Rizhao City
Shandong Province
Corresponding Authors:
XIE Xiaoping
E-mail: 1522769457@qq.com;xp.xie@263.net
Issue Date: 21 July 2021
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