Application of road location technology in the planning road data management system of Beijing |
QIN Xuexiu, ZHANG Baogang |
Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing 100038, China |
Abstract With the purpose of shortening planning road updating period and prompting data quality so as to realize data sharing, the authors designed and developed the planning road data management system in Beijing, studied the design of centerlines of planning road condition coding table and curve identifier, curve position identifier, and normal curve identifier in point attribute table of planning road, realized the functions of curve element calculation, and derived redline graph editing and graph output on planning road centerlines. Having been approved by the experts, the system is used in Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping. It is proved that the system is well designed and can realize the expected aim and produce better social and economical efficiency.
SAR image
D-S evidence theory
support vector machine(SVM)
texture feature
Issue Date: 28 April 2013
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