Medium resolution remote sensing based winter wheat mapping corrected by low-resolution time series remote sensing images |
Shuang ZHU1,2, Jinshui ZHANG2,3,4( ) |
1. Beijing Polytechnic College, Beijing 100042, China 2. State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 3. Beijing Engineering Research Center for Global Land Remote Sensing Products, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 4. Institute of Remote Sensing Science and Engineering, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China |
Abstract Owing to influences of the same spectrum with the different thing and the same thing with the different spectrum, the medium resolution remotely sensed image, Landsat8 OLI, extracts the wheat extraction with the wrong information, which leads to low accuracy. The coarse resolution image with multi-temporal trait can discriminate the wheat information from other similar land cover. In this paper, the multi-temporal trait is adopted to solve the “wrong coming or wrong going” error of the OLI classification so as to increase the wheat extraction accuracy. The experiment shows that the OLI and MODIS can extract the wheat with high consistence, so the result of MODIS can correct the error of the OLI, where the phenomenon of the same spectrum with the different thing and the same thing with the different spectrum occurs. In the region of the same thing with different spectrum, the RMSE of OLI result is 0.758, while that of the MODIS correction result is 0.142. In the region of the different thing with the same spectrum, the RMSE of OLI result is 0.901, while that of the MODIS correction result is 0.122. All the results show that the MODIS result can correct OLI result for higher wheat extraction accuracy, which can solve the phenomenon of the same spectrum with the different thing and the same thing with the different spectrum.
time series
linear mixed spectral unmixing
consistency analysis
Corresponding Authors:
Jinshui ZHANG
E-mail: zhangjs@bnu.edu.cn
Issue Date: 14 March 2020
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