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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (4) : 236-243     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.29
Land use classification of farming areas based on time series Sentinel-2A/B data and random forest algorithm
WANG Dejun1(), JIANG Qigang2, LI Yuanhua2, GUAN Haitao1, ZHAO Pengfei1, XI Jing2
1. The Fifth Surveying Mapping and Geographic Information Engineering Institute of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150081, China
2. College of Geo-Exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China
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Land cover information in farming areas is the basis of land resource management and planning, which plays an important role in the rational development of land resources, adjustment of land use structure, and dynamic monitoring of land. Due to the complex land types and high heterogeneity in farming areas, the accuracy of land cover information extraction has been facing challenges. Therefore, this study used Sentinel-2A/B remote sensing data as the data source. Firstly, a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series data set and tasseled cap wetness (TCW) time series data set were constructed; Secondly, the J-M (Jeffries-Matusita) distance was used to analyze the separability of the surface features and select the best time series data combination of NDVI and TCW; Finally, combined with random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), maximum likelihood classification (MLC) and single phase remote sensing data, the classification of typical features in farming areas was studied, and the accuracy of classification results was evaluated and compared. The research results show that the classification accuracy of the time series data combined with the random forest classification algorithm is relatively high. The overall classification accuracy reaches 88.87%, and the Kappa coefficient reaches 0.855 7, which improves the classification accuracy by 10.05 percentage points and 0.209 3 respectively compared with that of the single remote sensing data. This fully demonstrates that the combination of time series data and random forest classification algorithm can effectively improve the classification accuracy of typical features in farming areas.

Keywords time series      random forest      land use classification      farming area      Sentinel-2A/B     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 23 December 2020
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Dejun WANG
Qigang JIANG
Yuanhua LI
Haitao GUAN
Pengfei ZHAO
Jing XI
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Dejun WANG,Qigang JIANG,Yuanhua LI, et al. Land use classification of farming areas based on time series Sentinel-2A/B data and random forest algorithm[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(4): 236-243.
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Fig.1  Image of Sentinel-2A B4(R), B3(G), B2(B) bands in the study area
编号 卫星传感器 获取日期 数据级别
1 Sentinel-2B 2018-01-12 Level-1C
2 Sentinel-2B 2018-02-18 Level-1C
3 Sentinel-2A 2017-03-13 Level-1C
4 Sentinel-2A 2017-04-02 Level-1C
5 Sentinel-2A 2017-05-12 Level-1C
6 Sentinel-2A 2017-06-28 Level-1C
7 Sentinel-2B 2017-07-16 Level-1C
8 Sentinel-2B 2017-08-22 Level-1C
9 Sentinel-2A 2017-09-09 Level-1C
10 Sentinel-2A 2017-10-19 Level-1C
11 Sentinel-2B 2017-11-20 Level-1C
12 Sentinel-2B 2017-12-20 Level-1C
Tab.1  Sentinel-2A/B images data list
Fig.2  Technology flowchart for the land use classification
Fig.3  NDVI time series curve of typical features
Fig.4  TCW time series curve of typical features
Sentinel-2A/B数据组合方式 旱地-林地 旱地-草地 旱地-盐碱地 盐碱地-建设用地 建设用地-裸地
6 7 8 1.997 8 1.882 7 1.999 9 1.552 7 1.861 4
5 6 7 8 1.999 9 1.964 1 1.999 9 1.761 5 1.971 6
4 5 6 7 8 1.999 9 1.989 9 1.999 9 1.883 4 1.992 1
4 5 6 7 8 9 1.999 9 1.998 6 1.999 9 1.966 7 1.997 0
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.000 0 1.999 1 1.999 9 1.994 3 1.999 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.000 0 1.999 5 2.000 0 1.999 7 1.999 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.000 0 1.999 7 2.000 0 1.999 9 1.999 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2.000 0 1.999 9 2.000 0 1.999 9 1.999 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2.000 0 1.999 9 2.000 0 1.999 9 1.999 9
Tab.2  J-M distance of six typical features under different time series combination of Sentinel-2A/B data
Fig.5  J-M distance variation curve of typical features with different time phase data
Fig.6-1  Comparison of classification results
Fig.6-2  Comparison of classification results
类别 时序数据+RF 时序数据+SVM 时序数据+MLC 单时相数据+RF
生产者精度/% 用户精度/% 生产者精度/% 用户精度/% 生产者精度/% 用户精度/% 生产者精度/% 用户精度/%
水体 85.66 89.49 87.52 83.46 82.21 83.60 88.91 78.00
草地 96.89 82.64 93.72 88.91 76.26 72.25 73.91 73.12
林地 90.21 93.79 89.83 91.02 83.53 88.96 62.27 67.06
盐碱地 91.08 90.08 92.41 87.69 90.32 85.98 83.33 99.87
旱地 96.01 91.77 95.87 89.09 82.67 87.89 74.07 79.20
建设用地 86.75 86.86 84.45 87.42 84.38 82.66 81.95 69.26
裸地 89.63 90.48 86.91 85.04 83.56 87.88 82.94 85.10
Kappa系数 0.855 7 0.802 3 0.783 2 0.646 4
总体精度/% 88.87 87.51 84.26 78.82
Tab.3  Comparison of classification accuracy index
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