Technology Application |
The Evaluation of NASA MODIS Sea Ice Products: a Case Study of Sea Ice in Liaodong Bay |
MA Long |
(Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China) |
Abstract NASA MODIS sea ice products provide global information of sea ice extent and ice surface temperature (IST). However, when it is used for local and regional sea ice mapping, its accuracy needs further validation. Taking sea ice in Liaodong Bay as an example, the author analyzed MODIS sea ice products, and the result shows that almost all the sea ices in this area are identified as clouds. Based on NASA sea ice algorithm, the author extracted sea ice extent by using sea ice reflectance and ice surface temperature respectively. The results show that ice surface temperature can extract the distribution of sea ice effectively.
Radar technology
Soil moisture
Backscattering coefficient
Incidence angle
Issue Date: 22 March 2011
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