Technology Application |
Analysis of distribution regularity and development tendency of earthquake secondary geohazards in Yingxiu-Maoxian section along the Minjiang River |
WEI Yongming, WEI Xianhu, CHEN Yu |
Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China |
Abstract The 2008 Wenchuan earthquak led to fatal secondary geological disasters in the Yingxiu-Maoxian segments along the Minjiang River. Through using multi-phase high-resolution airborne remote sensing data obtained after the earthquake in combination with interpretation signs of various geohazards, we can analyze the distribution regularity and development tendency of earthquake secondary geohazards quickly and accurately,which is of great significance in guiding reconstruction of the disaster area scientifically. The distribution regularity of secondary geohazards finds expression in the following aspects: 1 avalanche, landslide and landslide-avalanche (the transition type between the landslide and avalanche) constitute the main types, with landslide-avalanche taking up over 90%; 2 the geohazards are widely distributed on the both slopes of the Minjiang River in the Yingxiu-Maoxian segment,but their scales and intensities are much larger in the Yingxiu-Maoxian segment than in the Wenchuan-Maoxian segment. Through continuous dynamic monitoring of the secondary geohazards after the earthquake by using high-resolution aerial imagery acquired from 2009 to 2011 and in 2013, the authors have revealed that 25 earthquake-induced landslides have been stable basically, but some potential landslides(total 21)show evident signs of activity, of which the Doucu potential landslides in Maoxian and Qidiguan potential landslides in Wenchuan deserve more attention. In addition, the debris flow will be the main geohazard type in the Yingxiu-Maoxian segment along the Minjiang River in the future; in the Yingxiu-Wenchuan segment, the frequency and intensity of the debris flow are especially obvious.
mini-tree models
bidirectional reflectance
hotspot effect
Issue Date: 17 September 2014
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