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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2019, Vol. 31 Issue (1) : 133-140     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.18
Information extraction of Dracaena sanderiana planting area based on Landsat8 OLI data
Yueru WANG1,2, Pengpeng HAN2, Shujing GUAN1,2, Yu HAN2, Lin YI2, Tinggang ZHOU1(), Jinsong CHEN2
1.Key Laboratory of Eco-environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Ministry of Education, School of Geographical Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
2.Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China
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The Dracaena sanderiana, as an ornamental plant, has been extensively planted in southern China, and has good economic value. In order to monitor the planting situation of Dracaena sanderiana, the authors constructed a new index-“difference enhence between net and water index”(DENWI) as a characteristic parameter based on Landsat8 OLI remote sensing image. Object-oriented classification method was used to establish the Dracaena sanderiana information extraction rule set, the Dracaena sanderiana planting information was obtained, and two kinds of traditional information extraction methods were adopted for comparative study. The results show that, compared with the traditional method, the object-oriented classification method based on DENWI can extract the information of Dracaena sanderiana, with the overall classification accuracy being 98.46% and the kappa coefficient being 0.97. Remote sensing monitoring and extraction of Dracaena sanderiana planting information is feasible and advantageous, and it can provide scientific basis for monitoring and management of Dracaena sanderiana.

Keywords Dracaena sanderiana      information extraction      object-oriented      difference enhance between net and water index      Landsat8 OLI     
:  S127TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Tinggang ZHOU     E-mail:
Issue Date: 15 March 2019
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Articles by authors
Yueru WANG
Pengpeng HAN
Shujing GUAN
Lin YI
Tinggang ZHOU
Jinsong CHEN
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Yueru WANG,Pengpeng HAN,Shujing GUAN, et al. Information extraction of Dracaena sanderiana planting area based on Landsat8 OLI data[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2019, 31(1): 133-140.
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Fig.1  Geographical location of the study area and sample map
Fig.2  Comparison of Dracaena sanderiana and water display effects
Fig.3  Spectral characteristics of various ground features
Fig.4  Eigenvalue contrast histogram
Fig.5  Characteristic value display effect
Fig.6  Classification flow chart
Fig.7  Compartions of different classification results
类别 富贵竹 水体 植被 其他 总像元数 生产者精度/%
富贵竹 9 720 521 615 480 11 336 85.74
水体 689 239 419 1887 7 682 249 677 95.89
植被 0 91 745 521 4 813 750 425 99.35
其他 328 363 92 130 952 131 735 99.41
总像元数 10 737 240 394 748 115 143 927 1 143 173 -
用户精度/% 90.53 99.59 99.65 90.99 - -
总体精度=98.46% Kappa= 0.969 9
Tab.1  Accuracy evaluation of rule set classification results
分类方法 富贵竹
本文方法 85.74 90.53 2.42 94.90 98.46 0.969 9
最大似然法 51.46 95.12 1.38 54.12 91.76 0.836 3
最邻近法 96.89 27.34 9.04 28.22 94.17 0.885 4
Tab.2  Compartions of accuracy evaluation
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