Abstract Acquisition of surface features of the mining area is greatly helpful to safe mining operation and management. In this paper, the authors propose an object-oriented combined with deep-learning classification method to extract surface features of the mining area based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images. Firstly, images are segmented by object-oriented method with manual correction to make annotation data set for deep learning models. Secondly, prepared training image data set is used to train 3 deep learning models (FCN-32s, FCN-8s and U-Net) and obtain 3 trained deep learning models respectively. Thirdly, classification accuracy is improved, and 2 integrate algorithms, which are majority voting algorithm and scoring algorithm based on these deep learning models, are proposed. The experimental results show that, compared with the single object-oriented classification method, the proposed methods have higher surface feature extraction accuracy and higher Kappa coefficient, from which the scoring integrate model has the best recognition effect. The overall accuracy of feature extraction on the testing image data set is 94.55%, which is 5.96 percentage points higher than the single object-oriented classification method, with the Kappa coefficient being 0.819 1.
UAV aerial images
deep learning
mining area feature extraction
semantic segmentation
Issue Date: 18 March 2021
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