Abstract In this study, domestic GF-1 WFV data were used as the data source, SiB2 model was used to estimate the LAI of forest vegetation in Mohe County of Heilongjiang Province and the value was compared with the estimation result of the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) linear model. Estimation results of the two models were combined with the synchronous ground LAI data for accuracy evaluation. The results show that the coefficient of determination (R 2) of the LAI estimated by the EVI linear model is 0.582, and its root mean square error (RMSE) is 0.701. The R 2 of the LAI estimated by the SiB2 model is 0.798, and its RMSE is 0.358. Compared with the performance of the EVI linear model, the results estimated by the SiB2 model are improved on both R 2 and RMSE. The results show that the SiB2 model is more suitable for LAI inversion of forest vegetation in the study area, in combination with the high spatial resolution GF-1 WFV data.
GF-1 WFV data
SiB2 model
EVI linear model
Corresponding Authors:
Xianlin QIN
E-mail: noaags@ifrit.ac.cn
Issue Date: 30 August 2019
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