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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2019, Vol. 31 Issue (4) : 32-40     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.04.05
Geo-detector based spatio-temporal variation characteristics and driving factors analysis of NDVI in Central Asia
Wei WANG1,2,3, Samat Alim1,3, Abuduwaili Jilili1,2,3()
1. State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia, Chinese Academy of Science, Urumqi 830011, China
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Vegetation is an important nexus connecting atmosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Therefore, the relationship between the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of vegetation and its driving factors is of great significance in the study of regional ecological environment changes. Based on multiple data sets such as GIMMS NDVI and CRU, the authors analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of NDVI in Central Asia from 1991 to 2015, using trend analysis and geo-detector model that included factor detection, risk detection and interaction analysis. The results show that the vegetation activities in Central Asia have remained stable and volatile on the whole in the past 25 years. In detail, NDVI in the middle and low altitude areas of the Kazakh hills has increased significantly, while the NDVI in the southwestern part of Aral Sea has been significantly reduced because of the close diffusion of salt dust in the Aral Sea basin. In addition, because of the contradiction between water resources development and utilization among Central Asian countries, the trend of NDVI in the midstream of the Syr Darya and the downstream has been reversed. The non-irrigated farmland in northern Kazakhstan has a large decline in NDVI, and the results are not significant (P≥0.1) due to the phenomenon of re-cultivation. According to the results of geo-detector model, the water factor dominates the vegetation growth pattern in Central Asia, and the temperature is negatively correlated with the NDVI change. The difference in spatial and temporal variation of NDVI between different terrains, elevations, soil types and land use types is also significant. In terms of the interaction factor, the bi-factor interaction has enhanced the interpretation of spatial distribution and temporal and spatial variation of NDVI. The synergistic effect of potential evapotranspiration and elevation on the spatial distribution of NDVI is over 64%.

Keywords NDVI      Central Asia      geographical detector      trend analysis      temporal and spatial variation     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Abuduwaili Jilili     E-mail:
Issue Date: 03 December 2019
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Samat Alim
Abuduwaili Jilili
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Wei WANG,Samat Alim,Abuduwaili Jilili. Geo-detector based spatio-temporal variation characteristics and driving factors analysis of NDVI in Central Asia[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2019, 31(4): 32-40.
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Fig.1  Map of research area
数据集 数据来源 时间分辨率 空间分辨率 数据预处理
NDVI数据集 NASA艾姆斯研究中心生态预测实验室发布的GIMMS NDVI 3g v1数据产品(1991—2015年) 15 d 8 km 最大化合成法合成逐年NDVI数据
气候数据集 英国东英吉利大学CRU小组发布的cru_ts_4.01(1991—2015年),数据包括: 气温(最高气温、最低气温、平均气温)、降水量、湿日频率、潜在蒸散发、云量和日较差 30 d 0.5°×0.5° 双线性内插法进行重采样,重采样后的空间分辨率为0.15°×0.15°
土壤类型数据集 FAO世界土壤数据库的土壤类型数据 1 km 按照FAO90标准对土壤类型进行重分类,共分为13类
土壤湿度数据集 欧洲中期天气预报中心表层土壤湿度再分析数据 30 d 0.25°×0.25° 双线性内插法进行重采样,重采样后的空间分辨率为0.15°×0.15°
土地覆被数据集 欧空局的ESA_CCI的土地覆被数据(1991—2015年) 1 a 300 m 对土地覆被类型重分类为8类
高程数据 NASA的STRM(shuttle Radar topographic mission)数字高程数据 90 m
Tab.1  Data source and data preprocessing
S 显著性P F
极显著增加 (0, +∞) (-∞, 0.001) (14.19, +∞)
显著增加 (0, +∞) (0.001, 0.1) (2.937, 14.19)
变化不显著 (-∞, +∞) (0.1, +∞) (-∞, 2.937)
显著减少 (-∞, 0) (0.001, 0.1) (2.937, 14.19)
极显著减少 (-∞, 0) (-∞, 0.001) (14.19, +∞)
Tab.2  Types of NDVI change trend
交互作用类型 q值比较
非线性减弱 q(X1∩X2)< Min(q(X1),q(X2))
单因子非线性减弱 Min(q(X1),q(X2))< q(X1∩X2)< Max(q(X1),q(X2))
双因子增强 q(X1∩X2)> Max(q(X1),q(X2))
独立 q(X1∩X2)=q(X1)+q(X2)
非线性增强 q(X1∩X2)>q(X1)+q(X2)
Tab.3  Types of two-factor interaction result
Fig.2  Spatial distribution of NDVI, NDVI changes, land cover types and soil types
Fig.3  Changes of NDVI values corresponding to different terrain areas and land cover types
Fig.4  Change trend of NDVI in Central Asia during the period from 1991 to 2015
因子 NDVI空间分布的影响因素 NDVI变化趋势的影响因素
q P值(sig) q值排序 q P值(sig) q值排序
地形区/土地覆被类型 0.340 397 4.03E-10 9 0.048 216 1.63E-10 7
土壤类型 0.468 032 5.84E-10 4 0.047 821 8.94E-10 8
土壤湿度 0.533 063 5.98E-10 1 0.018 531 6.19E-10 11
高程 0.155 681 6.09E-10 11 0.090 486 4.99E-11 3
湿日频率 0.518 121 6.22E-10 2 0.023 415 8.65E-11 10
最高气温 0.448 316 6.44E-10 6 0.072 058 2.83E-10 6
平均气温 0.427 333 3.81E-10 7 0.042 872 4.35E-10 9
最低气温 0.408 399 7.58E-10 8 0.011 680 3.79E-10 12
降水量 0.491 198 2.46E-10 3 0.096 278 2.94E-10 2
潜在蒸散发 0.464 430 3.54E-10 5 0.109 109 4.30E-10 1
云量 0.335 372 9.72E-10 10 0.079 239 7.20E-11 5
日较差 0.101 138 3.19E-10 12 0.086 714 5.08E-11 4
Tab.4  Results of factor detector
Fig.5  Results of risk detector and interaction detector
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