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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (1) : 237-246     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.01.32
NDVI changes and its correlation with climate factors of the Three River-Headwater region in growing seasons during 2000—2016
Jiaxin XU1,2, Shibo FANG2, Tingbin ZHANG1,3, Yongchao ZHU2, Dong WU2, Guihua YI4()
1. College of Earth Science, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
2. Institute of Ecoenvironment and Agrometeorology, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
3. College of the Engineering and Technical, Chengdu University of Technology, Leshan 614000, China
4. College of Management Science, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
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The correlation analysis between climatic factors and vegetation indexes can not only reflect the impact of climate change on vegetation but also predict the trend of vegetation in the future. Based on the data of MODIS13A1 C6 NDVI of the Three River headwater region and combined with 1∶1 000 000 map of vegetation types and meteorological data, the authors analyzed spatial-temporal characteristics of NDVI and the relationship between vegetation indexes and climatic factors by using correlation analysis from 2000 to 2016. The results are as follows: ① NDVI increased with a rate of 0.8%/10a in Three River headwater region during 2000—2016, whereas vegetation cover increased from the northwest to southeast. ② Climate factors had a greater influence on vegetation growth in the early and middle growing season, but the correlation between NDVI and climate factors was not obvious in the later growing season. ③ The partial correlation between NDVI and climate factors in the vegetation growing season of the study area showed that the influence of the air temperature on NDVI of the alpine meadow grasslands and alpine grasslands was greater than that of precipitation in the early growing season. However, during the middle of the growing season, the precipitation had a greater impact on the growth of three different types of vegetation.

Keywords NDVI      climatic factors      related analysis      Three River headwater region     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Guihua YI     E-mail:
Issue Date: 14 March 2020
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Jiaxin XU
Shibo FANG
Tingbin ZHANG
Yongchao ZHU
Dong WU
Guihua YI
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Jiaxin XU,Shibo FANG,Tingbin ZHANG, et al. NDVI changes and its correlation with climate factors of the Three River-Headwater region in growing seasons during 2000—2016[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(1): 237-246.
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Fig.1  Sketch of the study area
Fig.2  Distribution of different vegetation types in the Three River-Headwater region
Fig.3  Spatial distribution of NDVI in the Three River-Headwater region from 2000 to 2016
Fig.4  Annual change of NDVI in the Three-River Headwater region from 2000 to 2016
Fig.5  Annual change of meteorological factors in the Three-River Headwater region from 2000 to 2016
主要草地类型 气象站点 时段 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月
高寒草甸草原 囊谦 n 0.636** -0.182 -0.241 -0.259 0.316
n-1 -0.212 0.341 -0.202 -0.197 0.286
n-2 -0.239 0.100 -0.084 0.263 -0.224
杂多 n 0.425 0.632** 0.565* 0.084 0.138
n-1 0.055 0.105 0.468 0.118 0.195
n-2 0.281 -0.009 0.297 -0.257 0.095
玉树 n -0.397 0.092 0.208 0.355 0.394
n-1 -0.042 0.078 -0.224 0.051 -0.010
n-2 0.275 0.044 0.098 0.135 -0.214
高寒草甸 班玛 n 0.715*** 0.566* -0.259 -0.219 -0.212
n-1 -0.259 0.221 0.212 0.520* 0.208
n-2 -0.045 -0.193 -0.251 -0.248 0.094
河南 n 0.454 0.595* 0.202 0.533* -0.063
n-1 -0.195 -0.224 0.202 -0.205 0.369
n-2 0.228 -0.241 0.311 0.332 -0.228
玛多 n 0.435 0.389 0.215 -0.073 0.264
n-1 -0.099 0.233 0.324 0.133 -0.030
n-2 0.209 -0.066 0.484* -0.166 0.214
高寒草原 托托河 n 0.583* 0.460 0.293 0.032 0.319
n-1 0.270 0.327 0.308 0.187 0.179
n-2 0.237 0.510* 0.158 0.210 0.290
五道梁 n 0.566* -0.114 -0.130 -0.219 -0.226
n-1 -0.164 -0.232 0.230 0.295 -0.255
n-2 -0.100 -0.223 -0.173 -0.214 -0.230
兴海 n 0.084 0.241 -0.243 0.114 0.243
n-1 0.105 0.179 0.134 -0.055 0.063
n-2 0.219 0.390 0.251 -0.226 0.005
Tab.1  Correlation coefficients between NDVI and current month and push-forward month mean air temperature in growing season
主要草地类型 气象站点 时段 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月
高寒草甸草原 囊谦 n 0.170 0.330 0.620** 0.496* 0.214
n-1 -0.247 0.118 -0.190 -0.243 -0.138
n-2 -0.253 -0.253 -0.217 0.226 0.277
杂多 n 0.197 0.071 0.377 0.583* 0.045
n-1 0.589* -0.176 -0.197 0.420 0.504*
n-2 0.006 0.417 0.021 0.095 -0.063
玉树 n 0.494* 0.517* 0.515* -0.394 -0.102
n-1 0.368 -0.395 0.543** 0.419 0.591**
n-2 0.317 -0.055 -0.209 -0.013 0.063
高寒草甸 班玛 n 0.210 -0.018 -0.224 -0.169 0.381
n-1 0.318 -0.249 -0.222 0.371 0.315
n-2 -0.154 -0.185 -0.212 -0.185 -0.233
河南 n 0.418 -0.230 0.528* 0.239 0.259
n-1 -0.210 0.332 -0.259 0.785*** 0.578*
n-2 0.259 -0.217 0.336 -0.095 0.481*
玛多 n 0.213 0.450 0.637 0.645*** 0.448
n-1 0.179 0.146 0.209 0.409 0.429
n-2 0.067 0.020 0.290 0.016 0.442
高寒草原 托托河 n 0.202 0.327 0.610** 0.502* 0.239
n-1 0.369 0.241 0.452 0.335 0.290
n-2 -0.032 0.363 0.281 0.356 0.460
五道梁 n -0.251 -0.230 0.187 0.255 0.105
n-1 -0.192 -0.141 -0.217 0.071 0.164
n-2 -0.226 -0.237 -0.192 0.192 -0.182
兴海 n 0.272 0.045 0.379 0.382 0.666***
n-1 0.689*** 0.421 0.355 0.307 0.657***
n-2 0.045 0.538* 0.311 0.308 0.272
Tab.2  Correlation coefficients between NDVI and current month and push-forward month precipitation in growing season
主要草地类型 气象站点 时段 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月
高寒草甸草原 囊谦 n 0.071 0.293 0.134 0.187 -0.032
n-1 -0.184 0.310 0.524* -0.197 -0.404
n-2 -0.055 -0.089 -0.105 -0.152 0.241
杂多 n -0.134 -0.205 -0.084 -0.292 -0.032
n-1 -0.265 -0.311 -0.277 -0.084 -0.480*
n-2 -0.247 -0.351 -0.032 -0.205 -0.305
玉树 n 0.056 0.172 0.037 -0.189 -0.133
n-1 0.053 0.171 0.370 -0.171 -0.676***
n-2 -0.208 -0.050 -0.260 -0.130 0.139
高寒草甸 班玛 n -0.250 0.335 -0.258 -0.255 0.081
n-1 -0.257 -0.258 -0.079 0.385 0.276
n-2 -0.245 -0.202 0.184 -0.132 -0.224
河南 n -0.386 -0.089 -0.540* -0.308 0.352*
n-1 0.114 -0.283 -0.084 -0.221 -0.412
n-2 0.249 0.355 -0.221 -0.045 -0.045
玛多 n -0.152 -0.483* -0.555* -0.397 -0.026
n-1 0.354 -0.019 -0.605** -0.501 -0.188
n-2 0.080 0.171 -0.193 -0.551* -0.540*
高寒草原 托托河 n -0.319 -0.382 -0.745*** -0.369 -0.290
n-1 -0.241 -0.581* -0.596** -0.279 -0.202
n-2 -0.239 -0.152 -0.539* -0.383 -0.514*
五道梁 n 0.077 -0.221 -0.679*** -0.155 -0.055
n-1 -0.371 0.045 -0.205 -0.045 -0.084
n-2 -0.318 -0.032 0.089 -0.352 -0.381
兴海 n -0.089 -0.063 -0.581** -0.089 -0.063
n-1 0.071 -0.197 -0.063 -0.259 -0.205
n-2 -0.045 0.077 -0.134 -0.164 -0.224
Tab.3  Correlation coefficients between NDVI and current month and push-forward month sunshine in growing season
高寒草甸草原 囊谦 5月 0.228 -0.193 0.630** 0.113 0.104 0.622**
6月 0.142 0.196 0.241 0.393 0.293 0.021
7月 0.222 0.142 0.256 0.283 0.302 0.220
8月 -0.166 0.340 -0.196 0.072 0.016 -0.316
9月 -0.195 -0.117 0.088 -0.136 -0.247 -0.163
杂多 5月 0.320 -0.017 0.485 0.319 0.348 0.408
6月 0.286 -0.275 0.668** 0.253 0.166 0.648**
7月 0.403 0.092 0.579** 0.336 0.483 0.566*
8月 0.584* -0.281 0.095 0.252 0.569* -0.013
9月 0.094 -0.028 0.161 0.123 0.124 0.135
玉树 5月 -0.383 -0.096 0.485 -0.034 0.395 0.499*
6月 0.145 0.385 0.526* 0.102 0.041 0.564*
7月 0.245 -0.149 0.527* 0.275 0.338 0.529*
8月 0.322 -0.089 -0.366 0.174 0.348 -0.362
9月 0.383 -0.086 0.010 0.129 0.393 0.007
高寒草甸 班玛 5月 -0.212 0.005 0.715** -0.082 0.216 0.714**
6月 -0.128 0.233 0.536 0.339 -0.050 0.477*
7月 0.125 0.010 -0.014 0.176 0.215 0.014
8月 -0.195 0.044 0.140 -0.175 -0.253 0.133
9月 0.426 -0.305 0.011 -0.041 0.375 0.214
河南 5月 -0.429 0.502** 0.191 -0.286 0.407 0.444
6月 0.441 -0.258 0.711** -0.077 0.101 0.655**
7月 0.567** -0.527** 0.312 -0.367 0.417 0.288
8月 -0.031 -0.412 0.491 -0.289 0.324 0.620**
9月 -0.115 0.323 0.267 0.353 -0.020 0.193
玛多 5月 0.208 -0.204 0.433 -0.080 0.171 0.452
6月 0.630** -0.656** 0.598** -0.356 0.303 0.608**
7月 0.638** -0.516* 0.220 -0.102 0.387 0.318
8月 0.663** -0.399 -0.211 -0.070 0.557** 0.084
9月 0.416 -0.157 0.195 -0.116 0.459 0.303
高寒草原 托托河 5月 0.215 -0.266 0.586** -0.252 -0.012 0.563*
6月 0.377 -0.511 0.493 -0.278 0.189 0.565*
7月 0.593* -0.833*** 0.239 -0.574* 0.228 0.610*
8月 0.580* -0.437 0.336 0.059 0.371 0.253
9月 0.365 -0.570* 0.418 -0.191 0.089 0.581*
五道梁 5月 0.338 0.270 0.676 0.280 0.395 0.692**
6月 0.475 -0.398 0.319 -0.013 0.349 0.378
7月 0.649** -0.687** -0.059 -0.418 0.343 0.167
8月 0.542* -0.163 0.036 0.077 0.529* 0.051
9月 0.196 -0.206 0.416 0.069 0.142 0.435
兴海 5月 0.366 -0.231 0.266 0.067 0.267 0.229
6月 0.229 -0.141 0.325 0.104 0.095 0.270
7月 0.430 -0.551* 0.324 -0.541* 0.291 -0.105
8月 0.378 0.090 0.099 0.346 0.492 -0.113
9月 0.642** -0.035 -0.071 0.385 0.726** 0.245
Tab.4  Correlation coefficients between NDVI and current month meteorological factors in growing season
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