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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (1) : 130-137     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.01.18
Evolution trend and driving force analysis of the Chaerhan Salt Lake
Xianhua YANG1,2, Xiao XU3, Lixiao XIAO2,3, Li TIAN1,2, Lina HAO3, Peng XU2
1. Sichuan Key Laboratory of Evaluation and Utilization of Rare Earth Strategic Resources, Chengdu 610081, China
2. Sichuan Geological Survey Institute, Chengdu 610036, China
3. College of Earth Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610051, China
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The Chaerhan Salt Lake contains abundant inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and magnesium chloride, and it is also one of the mining bases in China. In recent years, with the rapid development of industrial mining activities in the Chaerhan Salt Lake and its surrounding salty field, the water quality of the salt lake has been polluted, and the lake water area has also rapidly decreased. By calculating the normalized vegetation index (NDVI) for the study area in 2002—2018, the authors obtained vegetation changes in the study area. Using remote sensing monitoring methods and combined with various factors such as rainfall and industrial development, the authors studied evolutionary trends and driving factors of the Chaerhan Salt Lake. Some conclusions have been reached: ① The development of salty field mine is the main factor causing the degradation of the Chaerhan Salt Lake. With the increase of the mining area of salt fields, the area of natural salt lakes has been greatly reduced, the amount of water has been reduced, and the salinization of water bodies has become serious. ② The area of the Chaerhan Salt Lake is affected by precipitation. In the years of abundant rainfall, the area of the salt lake has been larger, and smaller changes occur in the area of salt lakes in less rainy years. ③ Mining of salt fields will affect the growth of vegetation. According to the field investigation, salt field mining leads to serious salinization of salt lake water, and vegetation can hardly grow in the high salinity area, so there is less vegetation around the salt lake.

Keywords Chaerhan Salt Lake      NDVI      rainfall      mining     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 14 March 2020
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Articles by authors
Xianhua YANG
Xiao XU
Lixiao XIAO
Lina HAO
Peng XU
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Xianhua YANG,Xiao XU,Lixiao XIAO, et al. Evolution trend and driving force analysis of the Chaerhan Salt Lake[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(1): 130-137.
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Fig.1  Remote sensing survey of damaged land in mine development in the research area in 2018
Fig.2  Extraction results of NDVI from 2002 to 2018
研究区地物分类 NDVI 遥感影像解译特征 野外实拍照片
自然水体 [-1,-0.4) 遥感影像上呈现暗蓝色调,在影像中表现为水的自然特征
盐田水体 [-1 ,-0.4) 矿山开采形成的盐田水体,影像上呈规律格状形态,在影像中表现为水的自然特征
裸露滩涂湿地 [-0.4 ,-0.02) 影像中呈棕灰色,具有一定水分,因含盐碱,仅有稀疏植被生长
戈壁或沙漠 [-0.02,0.1) 影像中呈黄棕色,颜色均一,地面几乎被粗沙、砾石所覆盖,植被稀少或几乎没有植被
植被稀疏区 [0.1,0.3) 影像上呈深灰色,有少量稀疏植被存在,多分布于河流冲积扇附近
植被较茂密区 [0.3,1] 影像上呈暗黑色,植被相比于稀疏区植被较为茂密,覆盖度大于30%,一般分布于河道两侧
Tab.1  Classification of natural environmental elements
Fig.3  Monitoring of mining activities and natural environmental elements in the research area from 2002 to 2018
年份 水体 裸地 植被覆盖区
自然水体 盐田水体 合计 裸露滩涂湿地 戈壁或沙漠 合计 植被稀疏区 植被茂密区 合计
2002年 422.63 165.17 587.80 413.37 18 215.72 18 629.09 787.51 24.96 812.47
2006年 463.96 265.57 729.53 264.43 18 323.65 18 588.08 648.23 63.52 711.75
2010年 691.92 410.08 1 102.00 734.82 17 467.67 18 202.49 659.98 64.89 724.87
2014年 482.07 491.43 973.50 102.93 17 700.65 17 803.58 1 226.07 26.21 1 252.28
2018年 299.99 703.95 1 003.94 113.65 17 688.10 17 801.75 1 210.45 13.22 1 223.67
Tab.2  Mining activities and natural environment elements area in the research area from 2002 to 2018(km2)
占地类型 特征 高分影像 Landsat影像
盐田水体 颜色多为深绿色,呈格状规律分布
固体废弃物 灰白色调,团块状,纹理较为杂乱
中转场 主要为选矿厂、堆矿场地,位于盐田旁
矿山建筑物 呈长方形、正方形等规则形态图斑或集合形态
Tab.3  Remote sensing interpretation marks for the types of land spot in mine exploitation
年份 盐田水体 其他矿山占地 开发占地
2002年 165.17 134.03 299.20
2006年 265.57 60.79 176.25 31.50 441.82
2010年 410.08 54.42 210.14 19.23 620.22
2014年 561.43 36.90 300.54 43.02 861.97
2018年 703.95 25.39 415.06 38.10 1 119.01
Tab.4  Mining activity information extraction results from 2002 to 2018
Fig.4  Water area change in the study area from 2002 to 2018
Fig.5  Monitoring of salt lake change around potassium salt mines in the study area
Fig.6  Rainfall trend of Delingha City from 2002 to 2018
Fig.7  Remote sensing contrast of water surface change in Sugan Lake from 2006 to 2018
Fig.8  Remote sensing contrast of water surface change in Xiaochaidamu Lake from 2006 to 2018
Fig.9  Vegetation area change in the study area from 2002 to 2018
Fig.10  Area change of different land coverage types in the study area from 2002 to 2018
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