Remote sensing survey of the influence of coastline changes on the thermal discharge in the vicinity of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station |
Haigang SHI1, Chunli LIANG1( ), Jianyong ZHANG1,2, Chunlei ZHANG1, Xu CHENG1 |
1. Airborne Survey and Remote Sensing Center of Nuclear Industry, Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang 050002, China 2. Donghua Polytechnic University,Nanchang 330013, China |
Abstract Based on the infrared data of the Landsat8 in similar tides and different time spans in the sea region near Tianwan nuclear plant,Lianyungang City,Jiangsu Province, on November 15,2013 and February 27,2017,the authors used remote sensing technology to study the thermal discharge of nuclear power plant and change along the coastal line. The relationship between the thermal discharge and change in the coastal line was analyzed. The results show that the construction of peripheral engineering of Tianwan nuclear power plant dramatically changed the coastline,which affected the size and distribution of the thermal discharge. Remote sensing technology can detect the change of coastal line near the nuclear power plant and its effect on thermal discharge distribution. It is important to monitor the change of coastline near the nuclear power plant for sea temperature monitoring.
coastline changes
thermal discharge of nuclear power plant
temperature retrieving
remote sensing monitoring
Corresponding Authors:
Chunli LIANG
E-mail: 1270610414@qq.com
Issue Date: 18 June 2020
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