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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (4) : 97-104     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.14
Extraction of paddy rice based on convolutional neural network using multi-source remote sensing data
CAI Yaotong1,2,3,4(), LIU Shutong4, LIN Hui1,2,3,4, ZHANG Meng1,2,3,4()
1. Research Center of Forestry Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
2. Key Laboratory of Forestry Remote Sensing Based Big Data and Ecological Security for Hunan Province, Changsha 410004, China
3. Key Laboratory of State Forestry Administration on Forest Resources Management and Monitoring in Southern Area, Changsha 410004, China
4. College of Forestry, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
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Rice is one of the most widely planted food crops in China. Therefore, timely and accurate rice identification and monitoring is of great significance to the national food security and the evolution of agricultural land spatial pattern. In this study, multi-temporal Sentinel-2A multispectral images, vegetation indices, vegetation abundance and Landsat 8 derived LST on the critical period of rice phenology were used. The CNN, SVM and RF classifiers were applied to extracting the paddy rice and finally the paddy rice map was obtained. The result shows that using multi-temporal and multi-source remote sensing data with the CNN algorithm can effectively extract rice information in high heterogeneity region. The overall accuracy of rice classification and Kappa coefficient are over 92% and 0.90 respectively. This study has demonstrated the potential of using moderate spatial resolution images combined with CNN to map the paddy rice in highly heterogeneous area.

Keywords paddy rice      Sentinel-2A      Landsat8      convolutional neural network(CNN)      Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Area     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: ZHANG Meng     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 23 December 2020
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Yaotong CAI
Shutong LIU
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Yaotong CAI,Shutong LIU,Hui LIN, et al. Extraction of paddy rice based on convolutional neural network using multi-source remote sensing data[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(4): 97-104.
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Fig.1  Study area
月份 双季稻(早稻) 双季稻(晚稻) 单季稻
3月 播种与移栽
4月 播种与移栽
5月 开花期
7月 成熟期 移栽 开花期
9月 开花期 成熟期
10月 成熟期
Tab.1  Phenology of rice
遥感数据类型 时间 行列号 产品
Sentinel-2A 2017-04-08 N0205_R075 L1C 0.029
2017-07-12 N0205_R075 L1C 0.461
2017-09-15 N0205_R075 L1C 0.198
2017-10-30 N0205_R075 L1C 0.352
Landsat8 2017-04-05 123/40 123/41 L1T 0.61
2017-07-10 123/40 123/41 L1T 1.87
2017-09-12 123/40 123/41 L1T 3.05
2017-10-30 123/40 123/41 L1T 1.07
Tab.2  Parameters of remote sensing data set
Fig.2  Flowchart
地物类型 水稻 蔬菜基地 其他作物 林地 建筑物 水域
样本数量 442 234 223 166 177 156
Tab.3  Training sample information for double-cropping rice extraction(个)
Fig.3  Paddy rice extracted results by three classifiers
分类方法 类型 PA/% UA/% OA/% Kappa系数
CNN 水稻 90.24 91.32 92.11 0.90
蔬菜基地 86.77 85.91
其他作物 87.66 86.74
其他 94.62 95.17
SVM 水稻 79.98 81.46 82.47 0.76
蔬菜基地 81.37 80.28
其他作物 80.62 80.06
其他 87.25 86.27
RF 水稻 82.67 82.05 83.77 0.80
蔬菜基地 83.24 84.67
其他作物 78.69. 80.17
其他 89.92 88.69
Tab.4  Classification accuracy of CNN, SVM and RF
Fig.4-1  Classification results in three typical regions by different classifiers
Fig.4-2  Classification results in three typical regions by different classifiers
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