Abstract The time-series interferometric synthetic aperture Radar (InSAR) technology has been widely used since it allows for the safe and efficient obtainment of large-scale high-precision ground subsidence data. It is still a hot topic to efficiently obtain accurate land subsidence data of mining areas at different mining states using this technology to provide data support for the ecological governance of the mining areas. Based on Sentinel-1A images (58 scenes per complete orbit), this paper conducts time series monitoring of six mining areas in Xuzhou City using the multiple master-image coherent target small-baseline interferometric SAR (MCTSB-InSAR) technique and obtains land subsidence results during 2016—2018. Meanwhile, it verifies the accuracy of the obtained subsidence rate using the measured data in a similar period, yielding a difference in root mean square error of 4.0 mm/a. Therefore, the monitoring requirements can be satisfied. The monitoring results are as follows. The Zhangshuanglou and Sanhejian coal mines suffered serious land subsidence, with the maximum average annual subsidence rate exceeding 100 mm/a and the maximum cumulative subsidence exceeding 300 mm. In comparison, the Qishan, Shitun, Quantai, and Zhangji coal mines experienced light subsidence, which all occurred within the mining areas and did not show a notable expansion trend during the monitoring period. Based on these results and the monitoring data of the basic geographical state of Jiangsu Province in 2016, there were 2 844 and 672 high-coherence points falling in houses and roads, respectively for the Sanhejian and Zhangshuanglou coal mines, which accounted for 73.66% and 63.33% of the total high coherence points of the mines, respectively. For the mining areas except for the Quantai coal mine, there was a roughly linear relationship between the subsidence amount and time, which was stronger in the mines under mining than in the mines where mining had stopped. In contrast, the relationship between the subsidence amount in the Quantai coal mine and time presented a nonlinear law. The experiment results show that Sentinel-1A images and the MCTSB-InSAR technique have good application prospects in the monitoring and analysis of land subsidence in mining areas.
mining area
subsidence monitoring
time-series analysis
InSAR technique
Issue Date: 23 December 2021
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