Abstract The water level of the Taihu Lake from January 2003 to April 2019 was monitored using the waveform retracking method based on the altimetry data of Envisat and Cryosat-2 satellites. Through gross error elimination and system error correction as well as the boundary extraction of Taihu Lake using MODIS remote sensing images, the long time series of the water level of the Taihu Lake were obtained. Based on these as well as weather observation data and the data on urban population changes, the variation pattern of the water level and its response to climate change and human activities were discussed. The results are as follows. The water level of the Taihu Lake showed an upward trend (0.036 m/a) during 2003—2009 and a downward trend (-0.014 4 m/a) during 2010—2019. It was affected by the ground surface temperature and precipitation in a periodic manner, especially the precipitation. In addition, as the urbanization in the cities around the Taihu Lake accelerated, the population growth rate in the cities had increased and the water demand had notably increased accordingly from 2009. This resulted in a distinct downward trend in the water level of the Taihu Lake since 2009, indicating that human activities affected the water level of the Taihu Lake over.
satellite altimetry
Taihu water level change
climate change
human activities
Issue Date: 24 September 2021
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