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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (3) : 112-120     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021258
Study on distribution of thermal discharge in Fuqing nuclear power plant based on Landsat8 and UAV
DONG Shuangfa1,2(), FAN Xiao3, SHI Haigang1,2(), XU Liping3, ZHANG Xinyi1,2
1. Airborne Survey and Remote Sensing Center of Nuclear Industry, Shijiazhuang 050002, China
2. Hebei Key Laboratory of Airborne Detection and Remote Sensing Technology, Shijiazhuang 050002, China
3. Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350318, China
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Based on the thermal infrared data from the Landsat8 satellite and a UAV, this study obtained the spatial distribution of the temperature of the sea area near the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant through inversion. Then, this study verified the reliability of the inversion results using the measured temperature data and investigated the distribution and variation characteristics of the temperature field in the sea area near the power plant. The results are as follows. The inversion results of the temperature are strongly correlated with the measured offshore temperature data and thereby are reliable. Before the nuclear power plant was put into operation, the temperature of the sea area near the nuclear power plant was relatively uniform, without significant temperature differentiation or temperature rise. By contrast, after the nuclear power plant was put into operation, significant temperature differentiation occurred in the surrounding sea area because of the thermal discharge. Moreover, the spatial distribution of thermal discharge and its scale varied greatly under different tides and seasons. Generally, the temperature rise range was wider under ebb tides than under flood tides and was wider in summer than in winter.

Keywords Landsat8      UAV      temperature inversion      thermal discharge from nuclear power plant      remote sensing-based monitoring     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: SHI Haigang     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 21 September 2022
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Shuangfa DONG
Xiao FAN
Haigang SHI
Liping XU
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Shuangfa DONG,Xiao FAN,Haigang SHI, et al. Study on distribution of thermal discharge in Fuqing nuclear power plant based on Landsat8 and UAV[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(3): 112-120.
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Fig.1  Location of the Fuqing nuclear power plant
数据类型/传感器 幅宽/km 分辨率/m 过境时间 运行工况 季节 潮态
Landsat8/TIRS 185 100 2013-08-04 10:34 未运行 夏季 落潮
2014-01-27 10:34 未运行 冬季 落潮
2018-12-01 10:27 4台机组满功率 冬季 落潮
2019-07-29 10:27 4台机组满功率 夏季 落潮
2019-12-11 10:33 4台机组满功率 冬季 涨潮
2020-08-07 10:33 4台机组满功率 夏季 涨潮
无人机/FLIR TAU2 0.32 0.5 2019-07-15 11:00—14:30 2台机组满功率,2台机组降功率 夏季 落潮
Tab.1  Parameter comparison for thermal band of different sensors
Fig.2  Distribution of thermal infrared temperature
时相 核电周边海域监测结果
排水口周边 取水口周边
2013年8月4日 [23.0,24.0] [23.0,24.0]
2014年1月27日 [9.0,10.0] [9.0,10.0]
2019年7月29日 [31.0,35.8] [30.4,31.8]
2020年8月7日 [30.0,33.4] [29.7,30.1]
2018年12月1日 [19.7,23.8] [19.3,19.7]
2019年12月11日 [16.5,20.5] [16.5,17.0]
Tab.2  Monitoring results of the distribution of thermal infrared temperature(℃)
Fig.3  Mosaic of the UAV thermal infrared image
Fig.4  Temperature calibration for UAV image
Fig.5  Distribution of thermal infrared temperature in Jul. 15, 2019
Fig.6  Linear fitting and residual point figure of measured values and UAV values at sea on Jul. 15, 2019
Fig.7  Linear fitting and residual point figure of measured values and Landsat8 retrieval values at sea on Jul. 29, 2019
Fig.8  Coding chart of temperature rising
Fig.9  Contrast chart of temperature rising area at different time
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