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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (3) : 310-318     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022170
High-resolution remote sensing-based dynamic monitoring of coal mine collapse areas in southwestern Guizhou: A case study of coal mine collapse areas in Liupanshui City
YU Hang(), AN Na(), WANG Jie, XING Yu, XU Wenjia, BU Fan, WANG Xiaohong, YANG Jinzhong
China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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Southwestern China suffers frequent geological disasters. The exploitation of mineral resources in southwestern China is highly liable to induce geological disasters and related secondary disasters. This study investigated the remote sensing-based dynamic monitoring technology for coal mine collapse areas in the coal mining concentration areas in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province. Based on the high-resolution remote sensing images, this study established remote sensing geological interpretation symbols of coal mine collapse areas in the mountainous plateau of southwestern Guizhou and then dynamically monitored the geological disasters in Liupanshui from 2009 to 2018. Moreover, this study analyzed the present geological disasters in the study area. The remote sensing interpretation revealed that geological disasters in the study area were significantly aggravated over the years. Compared with 2009, 2018 witnessed an increase of 167% in the geological disasters, including 40% of new geological disaster areas and 34% of areas with deteriorated geological disasters. According to the geological disaster degrees in the study area, this study identified four geological disaster concentration areas, which were highly consistent with the mining concentration areas in the study area. Based on the remote sensing data, this study analyzed the types of land damaged by geological disasters in mines and investigated possible resulting damage to the people and the ecological environment in the study area. The results show that disasters that severely damaged land caused the largest damage area for forest and cultivated lands, which had a total number of 193 and a total area of about 333.55 hm2. There are 360 areas with potential hazards in the study area, covering an area of 506.36 hm2. They are dominated by 126 threats to roads, which cover an area of 110.04 hm2. The results of this study can provide a reliable data reference and a critical research approach for restoring the local ecological environment and controlling geological disasters in mines. Moreover, based on the characteristics of the study area, this study further analyzed the causes of the geological disasters in mines, explored the geological disaster control schemes, and proposed countermeasures and suggestions.

Keywords Liupanshui City      geological disasters in mines      remote sensing monitoring      coal mine collapse area     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 19 September 2023
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Hang YU
Wenjia XU
Fan BU
Xiaohong WANG
Jinzhong YANG
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Hang YU,Na AN,Jie WANG, et al. High-resolution remote sensing-based dynamic monitoring of coal mine collapse areas in southwestern Guizhou: A case study of coal mine collapse areas in Liupanshui City[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(3): 310-318.
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Fig.1  RapidEye remote sensing image of mine geological disaster study area in Liupanshui City
年度 数据源 空间分辨率/m 处理方法
2009年 RapidEye 5 全色与多光谱数据融合
2018年 P1+GJ1+
0.5+2.5 全色与多光谱数据融合
Tab.1  Satellite data of the study area in 2009 and 2018
Fig.2  Interpretation keys of remote sensing data in the study area
年份 塌陷
滑塌(群) 合计
2009年 6.43 1.26 141.30 191.02 340.01
2018年 22.47 10.46 293.57 241.59 568.09
Tab.2  Statistics of geological hazard changes in the study area(2009—2018) (hm2)
Fig.3  Statistics of changes in main distribution areas of geological disasters in 2009 and 2018
灾害程度 塌陷坑(群) 地裂缝(群) 有隐患滑坡 滑塌(群) 合计
特别严重 1/0.41 - 2/1.22 16/170.77 19/172.40
严重 3/4.42 2/4.30 132/142.25 16/44.77 153/195.74
较严重 8/8.15 7/4.69 169/105.01 5/20.06 189/137.91
一般 10/9.49 4/1.47 79/45.09 3/5.99 96/62.04
合计 22/22.47 13/10.46 382/293.57 40/241.59 457/568.09
Fig.4  Distribution of concentration area of mine geological disaster in the study area
被损毁地类 塌陷坑(群) 地裂缝(群) 有隐患滑坡 滑塌(群) 合计
其他地类 18/20.22 8/3.91 223/165.03 7/41.17 256/230.33
草地 1/0.94 7/3.27 8/4.21
林地及耕地 3/1.31 5/6.54 152/125.28 33/200.42 193/333.55
合计 22/22.47 13/10.45 382/293.58 40/241.59 457/568.09
地灾隐患类型 道路 果园 建筑物 城镇 村庄 煤矿 水库 水系 煤矿中转场地 合计
滑塌(群) 21.19 0 8.71 64.50 88.51 50.84 0 0 0 233.75
有隐患滑坡 79.46 0.75 60.66 6.58 55.74 41.33 3.70 5.91 4.34 258.47
地裂缝(群) 1.72 0 0.76 0 0.62 0.31 0 0 0.21 3.62
塌陷坑(群) 7.67 0 0.74 1.08 1.03 0 0 0 0 10.52
合计 110.04 0.75 70.87 72.16 145.90 92.48 3.70 5.91 4.55 506.36
Tab.5  Statistics of areas of geological hazard threat(hm2)
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