A remote sensing information extraction method for intertidal zones based on Google Earth Engine |
CHEN Huixin1( ), CHEN Chao1( ), ZHANG Zili2, WANG Liyan1, LIANG Jintao1 |
1. Marine Science and Technology College, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, China 2. Zhejiang Province Ecological Environment Monitoring Centre (Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Ecological and Environmental Monitoring,Forewarning and Quality Control), Hangzhou 310012, China |
Abstract Intertidal zones, as important parts of coastal wetlands play a significant role in ecological and economic development. However, the dynamic interaction between seawater and land makes it difficult to accurately determine the tidal flat area using the remote sensing information extraction method based on instant remote sensing images. To solve this problem, this study developed an intertidal information extraction method based on Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform and remote sensing index. This proposed method was applied to study the coastal zone of Zhoushan Islands. First, a decision tree algorithm based on the fusion of the digital elevation model (DEM) data was built using the Landsat8 time series image data in 2021. Then, a multi-layer automatic decision tree classification model was formed using the maximum spectral index composite (MSIC) and the Otsu algorithm (OTSU). Based on this, the DEM data were fused to extract and calculate the area of the intertidal zone in Zhoushan Islands. The results show that the area of the intertidal zone in Zhoushan Islands is 35.19 km2 in 2021. The evaluation based on the Google Earth high-resolution images shows that this proposed method has a general precision of 97.7% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.95, indicating good extraction precision and practical effects. This method can provide data support for sustainable management and utilization of coastal zone resources through automatic and rapid extraction of intertidal information, thus promoting regional high-quality development.
intertidal zone
Landsat8 imagery
Google Earth Engine
maximum spectral index composite (MSIC)
Otsu algorithm (OTSU)
Issue Date: 27 December 2022
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